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論文名稱(外文):Development and Application of Side-Impact Sled Test Numerical Model
指導教授(外文):TENG, TSO-LIANG
中文關鍵詞:側撞滑橇測試全車碰撞測試有限元素法側撞氣囊乘員損傷LS-DYNA 3D
外文關鍵詞:Side-Impact Sled TestFull-Scale Vehicle Impact TestFinite Element MethodSide Impact AirbagInjury of OccupantLS-DYNA 3D
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為了提升車輛結構與防護裝備的安全性能,一般車廠以及研究單位皆採用全車碰撞測試,雖然全車碰撞測試為最完善且最直接之測試分析方法,但是在考量人力、物力以及財力等因素,可考量使用側撞滑橇衝擊測試系統。由於電腦軟、硬體的快速發展,其運算速度不斷的提升,在車輛結構與被動安全防護裝備設計初期則可利用數值模擬軟體進行初步分析以及改良,更可進一步進行被動安全防護裝備之最適化設計。故本論文將以數值方法建構側撞滑橇衝擊模型,並進行數值模型之驗證與應用。本論文所建構之側撞滑橇衝擊系統數值模型乃參考TNO公司所研發之 BASIS測試系統,並以LS-DYNA 3D有限元素數值分析軟體進行數值環境模型的建構。側撞滑橇衝擊系統數值模型測試分析結果並與美規FMVSS-214全車側撞數值模擬結果進行比對與驗證;並且應用側撞滑橇衝擊系統數值模型進行側撞氣囊初步設計與安全性之評估。本研究所建立之側撞滑橇衝擊測試系統數值模型不僅可以大大縮短數值模擬的計算時間,更可以針對設計與分析需求進行不同碰撞條件的模擬,可有效降低研發成本與時程。亦可藉由本研究建立之模型進行車輛側撞與被動安全防護裝置之安全性評估,提供車廠與相關車輛研究單位進行研發設計之參考。

Crash test is commonly employed for examining occupant protection capability of a particular vehicle. Full-scale crash tests can achieve results that closely resemble an actual accident, but the test is complex and expensive. Sled test is an effective means of evaluating crash safety of vehicle interiors. This technique can simulate real crash conditions without destroying vehicle structure. Therefore, the sled system is typically employed to assess the protective capability of safety equipment during vehicle research and development stages. Recently, advances in computer technology have allowed applied mathematicians, engineers, and scientists to solve previously intractable problems. The sled tests can be accurately performed by computer simulations. As such, computer simulations are both economical and time efficient as an alternative to physical testing. This work presents the procedure of full-scale and sled side-impact tests were based on the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 214 (FMVSS-214) that simulate a side-impact accident. The side-impact sled systems were based on BASIS testing system developed by TNO Science and Industry. The crash simulations utilized the finite element code LS-DYNA3D. The dynamic response of human body’s in crashes was discussed herein. Additionally, occupant injuries were measured. To verify the accuracy of the proposed FE (Finite Element) models of crash test and sled test, the simulation results were compared to those obtained from experimental tests. The comparison results indicated that the proposed FE models of crash test and sled test have considerable potential for estimating the crash safety performance of a vehicle and assisting future development of safety technologies. These numerical models predicted severity of driver injuries during impacts, reduced the time of research and design, and reduce experimental costs. The accuracy of the numerical model of sled test makes it a valuable approach for side-impact crashworthiness simulations. The proposed methods can be applied to examine the dynamic behavior of occupants and analyze injuries during side-impact accidents. Moreover, the proposed FE models serve as design guidelines for the vehicle structure and safety equipment required to protect vehicle occupants.

授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xv

第一章 前言
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 本文目標 9
1.4 本文架構 10
第二章 動態側撞測試法規
2.1 側撞實驗人偶 15
2.2 MDB撞擊台車 16
2.3 測試車輛 17
2.4 動態側撞測試環境 17
2.5 人體損傷規範 18
第三章 側撞滑橇測試系統 27
第四章 側撞滑橇測試系統有限元素模型
4.1 FMVSS-214全車側邊撞擊測試數值模擬 32
4.2 FMVSS-214全車側撞測試模擬結果 33
4.2.1 人偶動態反應 34
4.2.2 人偶加速度反應 34
4.2.3 人偶側撞損傷分析 37
4.3 車輛速度響應 37
4.4 側撞滑橇測試系統有限元素模型之建構 38
4.4.1 車門滑橇有限元素模型 39
4.4.2 座椅滑橇有限元素模型 39
4.4.3 系統滑軌有限元素模型 39
4.4.4 測試車門有限元素模型 40
4.4.5 測試座椅有限元素模型 40
4.5 側撞滑橇測試數值模擬 41
4.6 側撞滑橇測試模擬分析結果 42
4.6.1 人偶動態反應 42
4.6.2 人偶加速度反應 43
4.6.3 人偶側撞損傷分析 45
第五章 側撞滑橇測試系統模型之應用
5.1 側撞氣囊 65
5.1.1 側撞氣囊之種類 65
5.1.2 側撞氣囊之組成元件 66
5.2 側撞氣囊有限元素模型 68
5.3 側撞氣囊安全性評估 70
5.3.1 人偶動態反應 70
5.3.2 人偶加速度反應 70
5.3.3 人偶側撞損傷分析 72
5.4 側撞氣囊之設計 73
5.5 側撞氣囊防護效果評估 75
5.5.1 人偶加速度反應 75
5.5.2 人偶側撞損傷分析 78
第六章 結論 98
參考文獻 101

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