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研究生(外文):Ching Huang Chang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Performance and Development of User Interface for the Parallel Hybrid Electric Heavy Motorcycle System
指導教授(外文):Shun-Chang Chang
外文關鍵詞:Parallel hybrid electric heavy motorcycleReal-Time Monitor SystemBreak spec. fuel consumption
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電動車輛是零排氣污染的環保交通工具,但由於續航力與性能不佳,因而影響電動車市場。傳統內燃機雖排氣污染較嚴重,但結合內燃機之優點與電動馬達的特性之複合動力車(Hybrid Electric Vehicle,HEV),必定是種省能且低污染具環保概念的車輛。
The electrically operated vehicles are the zero exhaust pollution environmental protection transportation vehicle, but because the endurance and the performance are not good, thus affects the electric car the market. Although the traditional internal combustion engine the exhaust pollution is serious, but unifies merit of and the electrically operated motor the internal combustion engine characteristic the compound powered vehicle (Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV), is surely kind of province can also the low pollution has the environmental protection concept the vehicles.
Connect in parallel compound electronic heavy-duty motorcycle experiment platform by existing heavy-duty internal-combustion engine and electronic motorcycle motor of motorcycle on the market and cooperate innovative power combine by oneself The organization plans to make up. This system adopts the organic whole type motor / the generator and dual axle type power combine the organization. Connect in parallel compound no matter change, vehicle of load power make internal-combustion engine, can maintain best state turn round, behind experiment, Connect in parallel compound electronic heavy-duty motorcycle system can deal with various kinds of road surface states all, when the system is exported with a pair of motive force, combine via power organization is it produce high-power deal with tight severe road demand to combine, in the vehicle in case of heavy load, operate in low oil consumption and operating area of low pollution after the internal-combustion engine is started, the fuel consumption saves 60% more than the general traditional vehicle.
Uses the LabVIEW establishment to test bench the immediate supervisory system and the magnetic powder type brakes the control formula, the immediate supervisory system monitors and records various power supplies output, may cause the integrated system research and development time to reduce, applies the brake in the supervisory system establishment internal combustion engine break spec. fuel consumption (BSFC) to monitor the region, may know whether the internal combustion engine in the hypothesis best revolution area, does establish the magnetic powder type to brake control formula its goal is for can follow the hypothesis applied load correctly, and achieves the automated test.
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vii
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xvi
符號說明 xvii

第一章 緒論
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.2.1 控制策略與能量管理系統之探討相關研究 4
1.2.2 系統架構與動力總成控制之探討相關研究 6
1.2.3 即時監控系統之相關研究 7
1.2.4 近期國內外複合動力車輛之研究 7
1.3 研究動機與目的 16
1.4 研究步驟 17
1.5 論文架構 20
第二章 複合動力系統架構
2.1 複合動力串聯式系統與並聯式系統 21
2.1.1 串聯式複合動力系統 22
2.1.2 並聯式複合動力系統 22
2.1.3 單軸式並聯式複合動力系統 23
2.1.4 雙軸配置型並聯式複合動力系統 24
2.1.5 串並聯式複合動力系統 25
2.2 串聯式與並聯式複合動力系統之優缺點 26
第三章 並聯式複合動力實驗平台之規劃
3.1 複合動力系統各元件介紹 28
3.1.1 內燃機 28
3.1.2 一體式馬達/發電機 30
3.1.3 動力整合分配機構 32
3.1.4 電池組 33
3.1.5 磁粉式煞車組 34
3.2 實驗平台規劃與製作 36
3.2.1 建立實驗平台 36
3.3 車輛環境參數模擬設定 38
3.3.1 市區行車型態動態分析 41
3.3.2 計算參數設定與計算結果 43
3.4 建立能量管理流程與實驗平台測量流程 45
3.4.1 系統能量管理流程 45
3.4.2 實驗平台測量流程 49
3.5 系統主控制器 51
3.6 內燃機轉速控制器 52
3.6.1 內燃機轉速控制法則 53
3.6.2 內燃機轉速顯示器 54
3.6.3 內燃機轉速控制器 55
3.7 人機介面系統之建立 58
3.7.1 LabVIEW 環境介紹 59
3.7.2 實驗平台監控系統之建立 61
3.7.3 內燃機性能監控程式 64
3.7.4 馬達性能監控程式 65
3.7.5 動力整合分配機構輸出性能監控程式 66
3.7.6 發電機與電瓶殘電量監控程式 67
3.7.7 磁粉式煞車控制程式 69
第四章 實驗結果與分析
4.1 內燃機制動比燃油消耗率方程式驗證 70
4.2 磁粉式煞車控制程式輸出之驗證 71
4.3 第一運轉模式實驗結果 72
4.4 第二運轉模式實驗結果 79
4.5 第三運轉模式實驗結果 89
4.6 並聯式複合電動機車系統最大輸出功率 93
4.7 複合動力系統與傳統內燃機之油耗比較 94
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論 98
5.2 建議事項與未來研究方向 99
參考文獻 101
附錄A 內燃機動力計 105
A.1 內燃機動力計實驗平台 105
A.2 內燃機測試條件 106
附錄B 儀器規格 108
B.1 扭力計規格 108
B.2 扭力計訊號放大器 110
B.3 轉速量測計 111
B.4 訊號擷取卡 111
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