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研究生(外文):Wen-Yan Su
論文名稱(外文):Longest ring and path embedding in faulty hypercub
指導教授(外文):Chun-Nan Hung
外文關鍵詞:n-dimensional hypercubelongest cyclelongest path
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在這篇論文當中,我們介紹超立方體圖形在相鄰點容錯之後,有Property 2H以及Hamiltonian laceable的性質。依據這些定理,我們可以在超立方體圖形中建構沒有錯點錯邊的最長環狀;此環的長度為2n-2|Fv|+4,而它的容錯最多到n個任意點。我們也可以建構沒有錯點錯邊的最長路徑,而路徑的容錯最多到n-1的任意點。
In this paper, we show that the adjacency fault tolerance for property 2H of hypercube. We also show that the adjacency fault tolerance for Hamiltonian laceability of hypercube. Applying these results, we can construct a fault-free cycle with length at least 2n-2|Fv|+4 in Qn-Fv where Fv is the faulty vertices set contains at least two black vertices and two white vertices with |Fv|n. We also construct a fault-free path of length at least 2n-2|Fv|+3 between two different color vertices, and construct the fault-free path with of length at least 2n-2|F_v|+2 between two same color vertices, |Fv| n-1.
Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................1
Chapter 2 Preliminaries .....................................4
Chapter 3 The adjacency property 2H of hypercube ............6
Chapter 4 The adjacency Hamiltonian laceable of hypercube ...15
Chapter 5 The Longest ring in faulty hypercube .............27
Section 5.1. Hamiltonian cycle ............................27
Section 5.2. Fault-free cycle ............................ 28
Chapter 6 The Longest path in faulty hypercube...............30
Section 6.1. between two different colorvertice ...........30
Section 6.2. between two same color vertice ...............32
Chapter 7 Conclusion .......................................36
References ................................................ ..37
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