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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Kang
論文名稱(外文):Study of an Ultra-Wideband Disc-and-Ring Monopole Antenna
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Nan Chiu
中文關鍵詞:平面天線雙頻帶的天線: IMT-2000UWB開槽型超寬頻為雙頻效能平面
外文關鍵詞:planar antennadual-band antennaIMT-2000UWBdesignsystem
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在這篇論文中我們主要是設計一種新的廉價平面圓盤開槽型天線以及圓環開槽型天線,而在這裡我們將他設計成雙頻帶以及超寬頻天線,使其能成為縮小化且具備多工效能的天線。第一個頻帶我們將其設計為普遍電信系統指定的頻帶(IMT-2000,1.92-2.17 GHz) 而第二個頻帶我們將其設計為一種新型的通訊頻帶,此操作頻帶(UWB)為FCC所定義的超寬頻系統(3.1-10.6 GHz),在這篇論文中我們將由設計一支最佳化的超寬頻天線進而改良成為雙頻多工的天線並且量測以及模擬反射損耗和輻射場形,使其實現符合在IMT-2000/UWB兩個頻帶中並擁有足夠的頻寬和良好輻射場形。
We design a new low-profile planar circular disc and ring monopole antenna is proposed for dual-band and ultra-wideband (UWB) operations here. We design him for dual band and ultra wide-band antenna here. The first band is specified for the universal mobile telecommunication system (IMT-2000, 1.92-2.17 GHz) and the second one is designated to the FCC-defined UWB system (3.1-10.6 GHz). We design one then ultra wide-band antenna of optimization is it become pairs of many antenna of Engineer frequently to improve among the thesis. A prototype of the antenna has been constructed and demonstrates optimal performance. Measured and simulated return loss and measured radiation patterns have been obtained. Sufficient impedance bandwidth and omni-directional radiation performance in both bands have been observed and show the promise for the IMT-2000/UWB dual-network applications.
Key Words : planar antenna; dual-band antenna; IMT-2000; UWB。
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言............... .....1
1.2 研究動機............. .....2
1.3 內容提要............. .....3
第二章 超寬頻微帶天線之介紹與其原理設計
2.1 蓋述.................. ..5
2.2 微帶天線之設計原理........... ..7
  2.2.1 饋入線.................7
  2.2.2 輸入阻抗匹配..............11
2.2.3 反射損耗與電壓駐波比..........13
2.2.4 天線增益................14
2.2.5 輻射場型................15
2.3 天線設計流程............... 16
第三章 超寬頻圓盤開槽型單極天線設計
3.1 概述....................18
3.2 天線結構與特性...............18
3.3 實驗結果與討論...............20
3.4 天線性能綜觀................23
第四章 超寬頻圓環開槽型單極天線設計
4.1 概述....................35
4.2 天線結構與特性...............35
4.3 實驗結果與討論...............36
4.4 天線性能綜觀................39
第五章 結論
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