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研究生(外文):Chiao-Jung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Receiver Design in Downlink MC-CDMA Communication System with Antenna Array
指導教授(外文):Wei-Chiang Wu
中文關鍵詞:多載波分碼多工Matched Filter (MF)Minimum-Output-Energy (MOE)通道脈衝響應子空間Decorrelating-RAKE (D-RAKE)
外文關鍵詞:Multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA)Matched filter (MF)Minimum-Output-Energy (MOE)Vector channel impulse responses (VCIR)Subspace
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在本篇論文,我們在下鏈多載波分碼多工系統中利用傳送分集技術來執行接收設計。我們首先重點放在行動台盲蔽式多載波分碼多工接收器(不知道其它用戶的展頻碼及通道參數)設計,而且接收器能夠抑制多重存取干擾以及有效結合來自所有天線的信號。在本篇論文提拱三種盲蔽式接收器。第一種為傳統單用戶Matched Filter (MF)接收器,而第二種接收器以參考Minimum-Output-Energy (MOE)作為設計準則。而這兩種接收器在執行前必須知道通道脈衝響應,因此我們應用子空間盲蔽式(不須要training sequences)演算法估計利用陣列天線之下鏈多載波分碼多工系統的通道脈衝響應。第三種接收器則是不須知道通道脈衝響應的Decorrelating-RAKE (D-RAKE)接收器。
In this paper, we exploit transmit diversity in downlink multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) system to provide a receiving scheme. Our first emphasis is on designing a blind (without knowing the undesired users’ signatures) MC-CDMA receiver in the mobile station that can suppress the multiple access interference (MAI) and combine the desired signal stemmed from all the transmitting antennas. Three blind receivers are proposed in this paper. The first one is the conventional single-user matched filter (MF) receiver and the second one is designed to meet the minimum-output-energy (MOE) criterion. Since both receivers premise on accurate knowledge of the vector channel impulse responses (VCIR), hence we develop a subspace-based blind (without requiring training sequences) algorithm to estimate the VCIR of downlink antenna array MC-CDMA system. The third receiver is referred to as the Decorrelating-RAKE (D-RAKE) receiver which is designed without knowing the desired users channel parameters.
Furthermore, we present a spreading codes selection rule that enables the simple MF receiver to achieve the performance of the MOE and optimum linear receiver. Simulation results demonstrate not only the significant gain by employing the proposed codes selection rule but also the MAI resistant.

第一章 緒論..........................1
1.1 研究動機..........................1
1.2 研究方法..........................2
1.3 內容大綱..........................3
第二章 MC-CDMA系統......................4
2.1 MC-CDMA基本架構......................4
2.2 MC-CDMA接收信號模型....................9
2.3 耙式接收器(Rake receiver)................12
2.4 解相關檢測器(Decorrelating Detector)..........15
2.5 信號處理技術........................18
2.5.1 MPDR演算法.....................18
2.5.2 MUSIC演算法....................20

第三章 下鏈MC-CDMA系統之盲蔽式接收器設計...........23
3.1 信號模型.........................23
3.2 盲蔽式接收器設計.....................28
3.2.1 Matched-filter (MF)接收器..............29
3.2.2 Minimum-Output-Energy (MOE)接收器.........30
3.3 在MC-CDMA系統中最佳碼選擇定...............33
3.3.3 Optimum(OPT)接收器................41
3.4 通道估計.........................41
3.5 實際情況.........................45
3.6 數值分析與效能評估....................47
3.6.1 數值設定......................47
3.6.2 數值分析結果....................48
第四章 下鏈多MC-CDMA系統之D-RAKE接收器設計.........60
4.1 Decorrelating-RAKE(D-RAKE)接收器架構.........60
4.2 實際情況.........................66
4.3 數值分析與效能評估....................67
4.3.1 數值設定.................67
4.3.2 數值分析結果...............67
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