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研究生(外文):Wen Cheng Chou
論文名稱(外文):FPGA based a realization of BCH step-by-step decoding
指導教授(外文):Ta Hsiang Hu
中文關鍵詞: 循環碼 BCH碼 錯誤更正碼
外文關鍵詞:cyclic codeBCH codeerror control coding.
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習知利用代數解碼法及步階式解碼法所設計之解碼器,因分別具有硬體複雜度高及解碼耗時之缺點,故無法對循環碼進行高效率解碼,而為了改善習知缺失,本論文係提出一種改良型步階式解碼演算法,其主要是針對BCH碼的改錯電路及其演算法進行改良設計;在功效上改良式步階解碼法在錯誤量較少 的情形下,其解碼過程中所耗費的時間,較代數解碼法與傳統步階式解碼法為少。
In general, an algebraic decoder is with high hardware complexity or a conventional step-by-step decoder is with long decoding delay, and both of them are not efficient for a cyclic code in terms of decoding complexity. In order to overcome this difficulty, a modified step-by-step decoding is proposed in this thesis, which increases the decoding speed of conventional step-by-step decoding. Comparing to algebraic decoding, it reduces hardware complexity. Especially, as the error correcting capability is no more than 3, modified step-by-step decoding needs less decoding delay than algebraic decoding and conventional step-by-step decoding do.
In this thesis, a design of remainder circuits, syndromes, the syndrome-matrix determinant is implemented to detect and correct errors. In verification of the designed implementation, the VHDL code of the proposed decoding algorithm for a BCH code are first downloaded to a FPGA board, and data are transmitted from a computer via an RS232 interface. After a solution is ready on the FPGA board, and then transmitted back to the computer and check whether it is correct.
In the results, the modified step-by-step algorithm holds better decoding speed and little more hardware complexity in comparison with the conventional step-by-step algorithm and can improve the drawbacks of the algebraic algorithm for BCH codes.
第一章 緒論
1.2 錯誤更正..................2
1.3 研究動機..................3
1.4 論文組織..................4
第二章 線性區塊碼
2.1.2 線性系統區塊碼.............7
2.1.3 同位檢測矩陣..............9
2.2 徵狀與錯誤檢測..............11
2.2.1 徵狀..................12
2.2.2 錯誤檢測................13
2.3 漢明碼...................14
2.4 循環碼...................14
2.4.1 循環碼之編碼..............16
2.4.2 徵狀值計算..............18
第三章 二位元BCH碼之編解碼
3.1 BCH碼簡介................20
3.2 BCH碼解碼................22
3.2.1 徵狀值計算...............22
3.2.2 錯誤樣本的定義.............23
3.2.3 錯誤位置多項式.............25
3.3 BCH碼之解碼方式.............26
3.3.1 Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierler Algorithm....27
3.3.2 Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm........32
3.3.3 Euclidean Algorithm............37
3.4 Galois Field的硬體實現..........44
第四章 改良式步階解碼法
4.1 步階式解碼法................51
4.2 改良式步階解碼法..............52
4.2.1 餘式電路................55
4.2.2 徵狀值計算...............58
4.2.3 徵狀矩陣計算與比較...........60
4.2.4 步階式解碼法演算流程..........65
4.3 權重檢測..................66
4.4 演算法比較.................69
第五章 硬體電路之模擬結果與硬體驗證
第六章 結論與討論...................91
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