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研究生(外文):Zing-Ming Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Growth of Ga2O3 on n-GaN by Photoelectrochemical Oxidization
指導教授(外文):Hung Pin Shiao
外文關鍵詞:GaNphotoelectrochemical oxidizationGa2O3
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本論文利用光電化學氧化技術(photoelectrochemical oxidization)在n型氮化鎵上進行氧化實驗,成長原生的三氧化二鎵(Ga2O3)之氧化物。首先,為提升氧化物成長速率,以不同濃度的磷酸為電解液,嚐試以未加偏壓及偏壓1V和2V等條件來成長氧化物,利用α-step、SEM及EDX等儀器來量測氧化物的厚度、表面形態及成份分析。結果發現,以0.0032M的磷酸為例,在未加偏壓時的氧化速率為224nm/h;在偏壓1V下,氧化速率為2.8μm/h;在偏壓2V下,氧化速率為5μm/h。同時,從EDX分析發現氧含量會隨著外加偏壓增加而增加。所以,結果顯示外加偏壓可以幫助氮化鎵的氧化和提高氧化物的成長速率。
Oxide of semiconductor could be a part of device structure, like MOS structure, or a layer to provide the surface passivation. With the great progress of the applications of GaN on optoelectronic devices and high temperature/high power electronics, GaN is more attractive than ever. Dry or wet thermal oxidation process is a mature technology for the oxidation of silicon. However, it has only limited success on GaN. High temperature process will deteriorate the crystal quality of GaN and further degrade the performance of devices.
In this thesis we studied the growth of Ga2O3 oxide film on n-type GaN by photoelectrochemical oxidization (PECO) technique. The first, in order to enhance the oxidation rate, we tried to conduct the wet oxidation of GaN in various concentrations of phosphorus acid (H3PO4) solutions with 0, 1, or 2V bias. The tested samples were examined with α-step profiler、scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDX) to evaluate the oxide thickness、the surface morphology and the composition of oxide, respectively. We obtained that the growth rates of oxide with 0.0032M phosphorus acid solution were 224nm/h, 2.8μm/h, and 5μm/h for 0, 1, or 2V bias, respectively. Also, the oxygen atom ratio in the oxide increased with bias from EDX analysis. Hence, an external bias could be used to enhance the oxidation rate of GaN and the growth rate of oxide.
In order to evaluate the properties of oxides, the PECO grown oxides were applied to the fabrication of MOS on GaN. Both I-V and C-V measurements were used to characterize the MOS devices. During process, we found the as-grown oxide must be annealed under high temperature to prevent the attack of chemicals during process.
第一章 緒論.......................1
第二章 光電化學氧化法與金氧半二極體之原理........7
2.1.1 乾式熱氧化法...............8
2.1.2 濕式熱氧化法...............8
2.2 光電化學反應.................9
2.3 蕭特基能障之原理...............11
2.4 光電化學氧化之原理..............13
2.5 金氧半二極體之基本原理............17
2.5.1 理想金氧半二極體............17
2.5.2 電容-電壓之特性............20
第三章 光電化學氧化之實驗方法.............24
3.1 氮化鎵表面電極之選擇............24
3.2 試片準備步驟................26
3.3 光電化學氧化法之實驗架構..........28
3.4 金氧半二極體之實驗步驟............30
第四章 結果與討論...................32
4.1 氧化速率...................32
4.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)表面狀態分析.....36
4.3 能量散佈分析儀(EDX)成份分析........40
4.4 光激發(Photoluminescence)量測........43
4.6 金氧半二極體之電容-電壓量測.........47
第五章 結論......................50
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