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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ta Chen
論文名稱(外文):Applying Neural Network Computing Algorithm to Radar Multiple Target Tracking Systems
指導教授(外文):Yi-Nung Chung
外文關鍵詞:Data AssociationCompetitive Hopfield Neural NetworkAdaptive Procedure
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本論文提出一新的追蹤演算法,即應用競爭型類神經網路(Competitive Hopfield Neural Network )之運算架構於雷達目標追蹤系統,此運算將可有效且最佳化地決定雷達感測資料與目標軌跡間的關係,進而準確估算目標物目前的位置及其他資訊。同時應用卡門濾波器估測系統,以獲取最佳估測;系統中加入了適應性程序追蹤架構,更可以成功地解決目標發生變速度(Maneuvering)的問題,進而降低追蹤的誤差及錯誤率。
As the developing of technology, multiple-target tracking system is an important subject in both national defense and civil application. In order to manage the complicated radar system, enhancing the performance of system is necessary indeed. The main part of the system is data association. While tracking multiple moving targets, data association can find the connection between radar measurement and trajectory. In usual, the wrong data association will lead to the error of target trajectory and cause the loss.
Therefore, in this thesis, a new tracking algorithm Competitive Hopfield Neural Network which is based on the radar target tracking system will efficiently determent the connection of radar measurement and object trajectory and further more to estimate the object position or other related information. By adapting Kalman filter estimation system, CHNN will obtain the great estimate; moreover, with the adaptive procedure tracking technique, the problem of maneuvering will be solved successfully.
As the results of this simulation, this thesis conducts that CHNN can not only apply to the multiple target tracking system but also solves the problem of data association and tracking subjects.
英文摘要 ........................v
圖目錄 .........................x

第一章 緒論
第二章 理論架構
2.3卡門濾波器之數學運算 ............10
2.4擴展式卡門濾波器 ..............12
2.5卡門濾波器之相關特性 ............14
2.6多目標追蹤程序 ...............17
2.7類神經網路濾波法 ..............21
2.8雷達系統簡介 ................24
第三章 類神經網路數學架構
3.1前言 ....................32
3.2類神經網路簡介 ...............33
3.3類神經網路理論 ...............35
3.4循環網路架構 ................40
3.5 Hopfield類神經網路 .............41
第四章 Data Association 架構
4.1前言 ....................44
4.2 JPDA理論 .................44
4.31-Step Conditional Maximum Likelihood理論....53
4.4競爭型類神經網路演算法(Competitive Hopfield Neural Network Algorithm)..............55
4.5理論證明 ..................61
第五章 適應性變速度理論
5.1前言 ....................64
5.2適應性程序 .................65
5.3多感測資料融合(Multiple Sensor Data Fusion) ..67
第六章 電腦模擬與分析
6.1前言 ....................70
6.2變速度單一目標追蹤模擬分析 .........73
6.3變速度雙目標追蹤模擬分析 ..........79
6.4變速度三目標追蹤模擬分析 ..........85
6.5變速度四目標追蹤模擬分析 ..........91
第七章 結論......................98
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