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論文名稱(外文):Thermal Fatigue and Soldering of Mold Materials Used for AG40A Zinc Die Casting
指導教授(外文):JUI.FENG. Hu
中文關鍵詞: 鋅合金 壓鑄模具壽命 PVD鍍層表面處理 滲氮處理 熱疲勞 軟銲
外文關鍵詞:die castingmold lifeAG40A zinc alloyPVDnitridingthermal fatiguesoldering
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壓鑄模具的壽命在鋅合金壓鑄製程中為非常重要的特性。由於壓鑄模具在大量生產下,因高溫高壓鋅合金熔液之反覆注射,模具易因熱疲勞等因素而形成缺陷,影響鋅壓件之良品率和產量。文獻上對於鋁合金壓鑄模具壽命之研究甚多,例如在模具鋼HWM 、H19、H10和H13上鍍PVD以探討是否延長模具壽命;利用TiAlN鍍在鋁擠製模具上而抗HF侵蝕;利用Cr2O3/Cr N雙鍍層延伸鋁壓鑄模具壽命;或用離子氮化成PVD之 CrC、CrCN、CrN、(Cr,Al)N和(Ti,Al)N鍍層來抵抗侵蝕等,但文獻上對於如何提升鋅合金壓鑄模具壽命之研究甚少。
本研究主要目的是針對四種模具材料SKD61、TDAC、P20和S50C分別施以表面未處理、表面鍍 PVD 處理和表面滲氮處理方法,再施以熱疲勞模擬法以探討何種材料與表面處理,具有最佳的鋅合金壓鑄模具壽命之延長。
The mold life of die-casting is a very important character in the zinc die casting process because of mass production and highly repeated pressure of die casting. The intense thermal fatigue and soldering of mold caused by die casting is a main factor affecting the production rate and the good yield of AG40A zinc die-castings. In the literature, researches involving to improve the mold life of aluminum die casting were often conducted, but research of zinc die casting about the same topic was seldom conducted. For example, the increase of mold life for aluminum die casting about the HWM, H19, H10 and H13 mold materials coated by PVD, the increase in the ability of anti-HF of aluminum extrusion mold by plating TiAlN PVD, the extension of mold life by plating CrC, CrCN, CrN, (Cr,Al)N PVD on the surface of die. But, the study of increase of mold life of the zinc die casting is scarce.
The main goal of this study is focused on seeking of method to increase mold life of AG40A zinc die casting. The experimental methods include the PVD coating and the nitriding treatment on the surface of SKD61,TDAC,P20 and S50C mold materials.
The results show that the PVD coating of these mold materials has best resistance of soldering and hot checking. The nitriding of mold materials has the better oxidation-resistant than the PVD coating treatment, but the former treatment has the worse resistance of hot checking than the later treatment.
第一章 前言..... 1
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 壓鑄合金.... 2
2.1.1壓鑄合金種類與選用... 2
2.1.2壓鑄鋅合金.. 3
2.1.3鋅壓鑄件的優缺點.... 4
2.2 壓鑄模具.... 5
2.2.1模具材料性質 5
2.2.2壓鑄模具材料種類.... 5
2.2.3壓鑄模具的種類...... 7
2.2.4壓鑄模具之溫度控制... 8
2.3 壓鑄模具之表面處理.... 11
2.3.1化學性處理.. 11
2.3.2蒸鍍處理... 13
2.3.3物理性表面硬化處理... 14
2.4 鍍層處理與模具壽命.... 15
2.4.1 PVD鍍層對壓鑄模具壽命之影響. 15
2.4.2雙鍍層在壓鑄成型上之應用..... 15
2.4.3 Cr2O3/Cr N雙鍍層應用在鋁合金壓鑄上之
特性.... 15
2.5 磨耗理論.... 16
2.5.1黏著磨耗... 17
2.5.2刮擦磨耗... 17
2.5.3表面疲勞磨耗 17
2.5.4腐蝕磨耗... 18
2.6 熱龜裂發生機構....... 18
2.6.1熱龜裂形態.. 19
2.6.2熱龜裂與模具形狀關係. 20
第三章 實驗方法及步驟
3.1 實驗目的.... 31
3.2 實驗設備與材料的選用.. 31
3.3 實驗方法.... 31
3.4 軟銲的觀察... 33
3.5 熱疲勞的觀察. 34
3.6 硬度影響.... 34
3.7 金相分析與成分測定.... 34
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 軟銲分析.... 40
4.1.1 SKD61模具材料..... 40
4.1.2 TDAC模具材料...... 41
4.1.3 P20模具材料....... 43
4.1.4 S50C之模具材料.... 44
4.2 軟銲之重量分析...... 46
4.3 熱疲勞分析... 47
4.3.1 SKD61模具材料..... 47
4.3.2 TDAC之模具材料.... 48
4.3.3 P20模具材料....... 49
4.3.4 S50C模具材料...... 50
4.4 硬度之影響... 51
4.5 表面粗糙度之分析..... 51
4.6 SEM觀察與EDS之測定分析....... 52
第五章 結論...............117
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