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研究生(外文):Zing-Xiong Cai
論文名稱(外文):Development and Analysis of Frontal Airbag Numerical Model
外文關鍵詞:Frontal airbagtest of static deployment of airbaghead impact testbody block impact testsled impact testLS-DYNA
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汽車正撞氣囊為乘員被動安全系統之ㄧ,主要為緩衝乘員在前撞事故中頭部的運動,以防止與車內裝結構接觸碰撞,同時分散對乘員胸部的衝擊力。為使正撞氣囊能於撞擊事故中發揮保護乘員之作用,一般於氣囊設計中,首先針對許多法規環境下進行安全性測試,並於最後在台車或全車撞擊測試下分析人體損傷,以作為設計改良正撞氣囊相關參數之參考。為能應用CAE技術建立正撞氣囊數值模擬分析工具,節省氣囊開發之成本,本研究將以LS-DYNA 3D軟體建構有限元素氣囊模型,且為驗證建構氣囊模型方法的正確性與評估氣囊模型的安全性,並進行氣囊靜態展開、頭部撞擊與軀幹撞擊等三種數值測試。最後依據CAE氣囊設計流程設計一正撞氣囊模組,並使用正撞台車撞擊測試,評估所設計之正撞氣囊模組對乘員保護的安全性與有效性。本論文除可建立國內車輛碰撞數值模擬分析能量,並可藉由氣囊建構與模擬驗證程序提供車廠及相關研究單位對正撞氣囊設計與改良研發之參考,以使人體頭部及胸部於車輛正面碰撞時之傷害程度降至最低。


Frontal airbag is one of the system of passive safety for occupants, and the major function is to cushion the motion of head of occupant during frontal impact for preventing the occupant. In order to protect the passenger during vehicle impact, some safety test must be implemented according to many regulations in general design of airbag, and the injury of human body during sled test or full-scale vehicle impact test is analyzed to be the reference of improving the design of frontal airbag. To apply CAE technique to establish the numerical tool of frontal airbag and save the cost of developing, the non-linear dynamic software LS-DYNA 3D was used to construct the finite element model of frontal airbag in this study. Three test, including the test of static deployment of airbag, head impact test and body block impact test were implemented. At last, a module of frontal airbag was designed according to design procedure of CAE airbag, and the frontal sled impact test was used to estimate the safety and efficiency of designed module of frontal airbag to occupants. The energy of numerical analysis of domestic vehicle impact test could be established in this study. Meanwhile, the results of construction of airbag and numerical validation procedure could provide reference to domestic vehicle manufacturers for research and development of frontal airbag to minimize the extent of injury of human head and chest during vehicle frontal impact.
Keywords:Frontal airbag, test of static deployment of airbag, head
impact test,body block impact test, sled impact test, LS-DYNA

授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii

1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 論文架構 8
2.1 正撞氣囊系統結構 12
2.1.1 充氣器 12
2.1.2 感測器暨電子控制單元 13
2.1.3 氣囊袋 14
2.2 正撞氣囊工作原理 14
2.3 正撞氣囊測試法規 15
2.3.1 氣囊靜態展開測試 15
2.3.2 頭部撞擊測試 16
2.3.3 軀幹撞擊測試 17
3.1 正撞氣囊有限元素模型建構流程 21
3.2 正撞氣囊有限元素模型 22
3.3 正撞氣囊有限元素模型之驗證 24
3.3.1 氣囊靜態展開測試模擬 24
3.3.2 頭部撞擊測試模擬 26
3.3.3 軀幹撞擊測試模擬 27
4.1正撞衝擊台車測試有限元素模型 48
4.2台車衝擊測試模擬驗證 49
4.3 正撞氣囊設計 50
4.3.1 Ford Taurus全車有限元素模型之建構
4.3.2 Ford Taurus全車有限元素模型之驗證
4.3.3台車衝擊測試數值模擬 53
4.3.4正撞氣囊初始設計 54
4.3.5氣囊安全性分析 55
4.3.6正撞氣囊之適化設計 56
第五章結論 81
參考文獻 83

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