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研究生(外文):cheng chia ching
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Improvement of Soundness AG40A Zinc Alloy Casting
指導教授(外文):hu jui feng
外文關鍵詞:AG40A zinc alloycomputer-aided engineeringhot chamber die castingporositycold shut
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The defects of zinc alloy die-castings often happen due to its characters and the fast die-casting sped. This research was main mainly focus on the resolution of solving those defects in the AG40A zinc sanitary die-casting. The different designs of casting established by the CAE and the real castings by the hot chamber die-casting will be compared to reveal the optimal process used for the AG40A zinc alloy die-castings. The process parameters considered in this research include the casting pressure, the pouring temperature and the mold temperature of die.
Utilizing the CAE simulation software FLOW-3D to simulate the different project of the AG40A zinc alloy will realize the flow filling and the solidification process. The distribution and position of gas porosity in the AG40A zinc alloy casting will be analyzed through the simulation of FLOW-3D for the different gating systems. The result show that the correspondence of the simulation of CAE and the practical die-castings. In addition, the vent hole and the overflow design will be suitable for decreasing the defects of AG40A zinc alloy die-castings.
第一章 前言..........................................................1
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 電腦輔助鑄造模擬...........................................2
2.2 壓鑄材料與壓鑄件分析........................................3
2.3 壓鑄用鋅合金...............................................4
2.4 壓鑄方案設計...............................................6
2.4.1 壓鑄機選用...........................................7
2.4.2 澆流道系統設計.......................................8
2.4.3 溢流井與逃氣道設計...................................11
2.4.4 壓鑄製程參數........................................12
2.5 壓鑄合金之凝固............................................13
2.6 壓鑄件缺陷發生原因.........................................15
2.7 鎂元素對鋅合金壓鑄件影響...................................17
第三章 實驗方法及步驟
3.1 研究目的.................................................32
3.2 實驗材料.................................................32
3.3 實驗方法.................................................33
3.3.1 電腦輔助設計........................................33
3.3.2 電腦輔助模擬分析....................................33
3.4 鑄造方案設計..............................................34
3.4.1 澆流道系統設計......................................34
3.4.2 壓鑄參數設定........................................35
3.5 實際進行壓鑄件............................................35
3.6 金像顯微組織觀察..........................................36
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 澆流道系統設計對鋅壓鑄件之影響..............................49
4.1.1 方案A-在把手底環裙部設單流道..........................49
4.1.2 方案B-在把手手柄處設單流道...........................50
4.1.3 方案C-在把手底環裙部設單流道和溢流井...................51
4.1.4 方案D-在把手底環裙部設不對稱雙流道....................52
4.1.5 方案E-在把手底環裙部設不對稱雙流道和溢流井.............53
4.1.6 方案F-在把手底環裙部設對稱雙流道......................54
4.1.7 方案G-在把手手柄端設對稱雙流道和手柄處逃氣道............55
4.1.8 方案H-在把手底環裙部設對稱雙流道和溢流井...............56
4.2 各方案壓力分布之比較.......................................56
4.2.1 單流道壓力分布之比較.................................57
4.2.2 單流道與不對稱雙流道之壓力分布........................58
4.2.3 具溢流井與逃氣道之流道系統壓力分布.....................58
4.2.4 對稱雙流道之溢流井與逃氣道壓力分布.....................59
4.2.5 具溢流井及逃氣道之澆流道系統凝固模擬...................59
4.3 製程參數對AG40A鋅合金衛浴把手壓鑄件良品率影響................60
4.3.1 鑄造壓力和模具溫度影響...............................60
4.3.2 鑄造壓力和熔液溫度影響...............................61
4.4 金相顯微組織分析..........................................62
4.4.1 光學顯微鏡(OM)觀察..................................62
4.4.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)組織觀察與分析...................63
4.5 壓鑄件孔洞率與良品率分析...................................66
4.6 AG40A壓鑄件之鎂元素含量影響................................69
第五章 結論........................................................126
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