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研究生(外文):Chia Lung Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study on Nondestructive Evaluation System Using SQUID
外文關鍵詞:SQUIDmagnetometereddy currentgradiometer
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  超導量子干涉元件(Superconducting Quantum Interference Device,簡稱SQUID)是目前所知最敏感的磁通偵測器,可偵測到10-14至10-15 Tesla的訊號,約為地磁十億分之一,其獨特的磁通與電壓的週期特性,使得SQUID已被使用在精密量測 ,成為微弱物理量如磁場、磁場梯度、電流、電壓、電阻、電感及磁化率等測量上最靈敏的感測元件。而本文利用渦電流(eddy current)檢測法配合線圈(coil)探頭與SQUID磁量計(magnetometer)對金屬導體進行非破壞性檢測(nondestructive evaluation)。
本實驗中我們自行設計研發整套系統,其內容包括杜爾瓶(Dewar)、屏蔽桶(magnetically shielding box),與線圈的製作及特性量測等。
我們利用G-10等級的玻璃纖維(fiberglass)作為杜爾瓶的材料,因為他具有熱膨脹係數小與低溫不裂開的特性,所以加工成為我們系統中盛裝液態氮(liquid nitrogen)的保溫容器。
為了增加系統的實用性與便利性,我們設計激發線圈(excitation coil)與感應線圈(pick-up coil)作為梯度計(gradiometer)探頭,而探頭可以遠離SQUID,只要將感應電流經由傳輸線傳回屏蔽桶內並讓二次激發線圈(input coil)產生磁場,讓SQUID感應,即可達到缺陷訊號的讀取。

SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)is the most sensitive magnetometer now. It can detect the signal as small as 10-14 to 10-15 Tesla, which is one-billionth of terrestrial magnetism. Another, because of the unique properties of the voltage variation periodically with magnetic flux, SQUID has been applied in precision measurement, like the weak magnetic field, current, voltage, inductance, and magnetic susceptibility.
Based on the eddy current method, this work proposed the nondestructive evaluation of the metal conductor by using the combination of the transfer coil probe and SQUID magnetometer.
We developed all the experimental system including Dewar, magnetically shielding box, and coil. In Dewar, the G-10 fiberglass is used to manufacture the vacuum bottle of liquid nitrogen because of the property of thermal conductivity and non-metal to avoid the influence of the SQUID sensing.
In magnetically shielding box, mu-metal plate, copper net, and aluminum plate are used. The first is for anti- terrestrial magnetism and low frequency noise. The others are for isolating the electromagnetic wave of high frequency.
Besides, we designed excitation coil and pick-up coil as the gradiometer probe to detect the crack signal. Then the induced current in the gradiometer probe rebuilt the magnetic field inside the magnetically shielding box, which is sensed by SQUID. It has many advantages than the tradition method of the direct sensing by SQUID. For example, the active probe is more practical and convenient than the heavy and large Dewar with SQUID. And the sensitivity is improved due to no limitation of the space between SQUID and sample


第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機.........................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.....................................................................2
第二章 實驗方法
2.1 渦電流檢測法.............................................................3
2.2 實驗設計與架構.........................................................6
第三章 系統設計
3.1 杜爾瓶.........................................................................8
3.2 超導量子干涉元件...................................................14
3.2.1 探針(Preobe)設計............................................16
3.3.1 屏蔽桶屏蔽係數量測......................................25
3.4 探頭系統...................................................................30
3.4.1 平面式線圈梯度計原理與製作......................31
3.5 量測系統與人機介面................................………...44
3.5.1 二維滑軌平台(X-Y table)............................45
3.5.2 LabVIEW 人機介面..........................................46
第四章 實驗結果與討論…………………………………………..48
第五章 結論……...............................................................52

圖2.1 線圈磁場及感應磁場作用圖………………………………5
圖2.2 軸向式SQUID梯度計應用於非破壞性檢測示意圖……..5
圖2.3 NDE實驗架構圖………………………………………….7
圖3.1 杜爾瓶構造……………………………………….………..10
圖3.2 G-10管壁均勻塗佈機械裝置…………………………....10
圖3.3 G-10板均勻塗佈機械裝置……………………………....11
圖3.4 塗佈裝置作動示意圖……………………………………...11
圖3.5 Dewar設計圖……………………………………………..12
圖3.6 溫度計光罩...………………………..…………………..…12
圖3.7 溫度計校正曲線…………………………………………...13
圖3.8 超導體組成SIS幾何形狀的約瑟芬元件…………………17
圖3.9 兩個約瑟芬元件並聯組成SQUID………………………..17
圖3.10 SQUID等效電路………………………………………..18
圖3.11 SQUID外加偏壓電流…………………………………...18
圖3.12 SQUID用來作為磁廠量測的電子電路………………...19
圖3.13 一階軸向式梯度線圈……………………………………..19
圖3.14 平面式Gradiometer示意圖………………………………20
圖3.15 探針(Probe)………………………………………………..20
圖3.16 屏蔽桶架構圖……………………………………………..23
圖3.17 屏蔽桶材料結構…………………………………………..23
圖3.18 mu-metal水刀……………………………………………24
圖3.19 屏蔽桶實體………………………………………………...24
圖3.20 屏蔽係數量測系統示意圖...………………………………..27
圖3.21 外加磁場位於屏蔽桶左側與下方……………………….…27
圖3.22 外加磁場位於左方時的屏蔽係數………………………….28
圖3.23 外加磁場位於下方時的屏蔽係數………………………….29
圖3.24 雙D型激發線圈置於SQUID下方感測渦電流……….…34
圖3.25 Transfer coil電路示意圖……….……………………….…34
圖3.26 Transfer coil應用於心磁量測系統.…………………….…35
圖3.27 直接將imput coil置於液態氮中…………………….……36
圖3.28 不同直徑Pick-up coil與input coil訊號強度對照………37
圖3.29 Pick-up coil與input coil有效面積比與輸出功率..…..…38
圖3.30 量測共振頻率設備架構圖…………………………….……39
圖3.31 Transfer與SQUID的共振頻率……………………...……40
圖3.32 線圈探頭電流迴路圖………………………………….……40
圖3.33 探頭線圈示意圖與實體圖…………………………….……41
圖3.34 探頭線圈框架設計圖……………………………….………41
圖3.35 線磁場垂直分量B與其梯度變化量G位置變化分布….…42
圖3.36 線圈探頭掃描缺陷示意圖…………………………….……42
圖3.37 鎖相放大器量測原理示意圖………………………….……43
圖3.38 二維掃描平台實體圖……………………………….………45
圖3.39 LabVIEW人機界面..……………………………….………47
圖4.1 一維掃描缺陷示意圖……………………………...…………50
圖4.2 探頭經過缺陷時的電壓變化……………………...…………50
圖4.3 不同深度下感應磁場與頻率關係變化圖........……………...51

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