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Author (Eng.):Yu-Ru Su
Title (Eng.):Study of Piezoelectric Micro Bubble Generator
Advisor:鄭江河鄭江河 author reflink
advisor (eng):Chiang-Ho Cheng
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:機械工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:110
keyword (chi): 致動器 壓電致動器 圓環型 產生器 精密度 微氣泡
keyword (eng):micro bubblepiezoelectricdesignfuture
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  • Cited Cited :1
  • HitsHits:389
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This research will focus on using the microelectromechanicalsystem (MEMS) technology to design and produce a micro bubble generator by piezoelectricity actuator. The main structure is to use a ring shaped piezoelectricity material that is extremely thicken couple with micro electroforming technology to build a nickel nozzle plate. In addition, in the future. The piezoelectricity materials have the characteristics of small size, high precision, easy control and fast response of frequency. Using the right design and the piezoelectric effect to power the piezoelectric based materials will produce the results of moving power. The producing machine will contain enough energy to input special gas into selected liquids and trim off the micro bubble and spray them out.
Micro bubble generator’s parts are divided into two categories: piezoelectricity actuator and micro nickel nozzle plate. The research project will carry out in two parts. First part is the research on the micro bubble producing methods and how the sizes of the bubbles are affected by the sizes of the orifice’s diameter. The next part is to research on the effects of the solution’s surface tension and the changes in viscosity to the sizes of the micro bubble and the speed of spraying.
第一章 前言
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究目的
1.4 研究方法
1.5 現有之氣泡產生器技術
1.6 本文架構
第二章 結構設計與ANSYS分析
2.1 微氣泡產生器主體之設計製作
2.2 結構設計分析
第三章 壓電微致動器之製作方式
3.1 壓電性質及材料
3.1.1 壓電性質
3.1.2 壓電材料
3.2 壓電理論
3.3 壓電微致動器之製程
第四章 微電鑄技術與噴孔片之製作方法
4.1 電鑄技術
4.2 噴嘴片之製作
4.2.1 黃光製程
4.2.2 電鑄製程
第五章 壓電微致動模組量測
5.1 靜態位移特性量測
5.2 共振頻率之量測與分析
5.3 共振頻率下之位移與速度
第六章 微米氣泡觀測
6.2 壓電驅動下微米氣泡之生成狀態
第七章 結論與未來發展
7.2 未來發展

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