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研究生(外文):monlong gan
論文名稱(外文):The Relations among Parenting Style, Hostility, Self-esteem and Anger in Adolescence
外文關鍵詞:Parenting styleHostilityself-esteemanger
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尊與憤怒(立即反應性憤怒/工具性憤怒)的現況。(2)探討青少年敵意、自尊與憤怒(立即反應性憤怒/工具性憤怒) 之關係與影響。(3)探討青少年知覺父母親職型態對其敵意、自尊、憤怒(立即反應性憤怒/工具性憤怒)之關係與影響。

The first purpose of this study was to explore parenting styles,
hostility, self-esteem and anger in adolescence. The second purpose of this study was to examine the relations among hostility, self-esteem (level×stability), and anger in adolescence. The third purpose of this study was to examine how the parenting style effect hostility, self-esteem (level×stability), and anger in adolescence.
In this study, self-report questionnaire survey method was used to collect the data, and there were five hundred and fifty-three subjects selected from two junior high schools, two senior high schools, and three senior high vocational schools in Chang-hua county. The descriptive statistic, MANOVA, multiple regression and path analysis were conducted to test each research question, and the results showed as follow:
1. Most of adolescences showed whose parents were「authoritative」parenting. Besides, hostility, self-esteem, anger in adolescence showed higher scores.
2. High hostility in adolescence was obviously stronger than the one in low hostility on both reactive and instrumental anger. Level and stability self-esteem had no interaction to the adolescence, but the adolescence in low level of self-esteem was obviously stronger than the one in high level self-esteem on both reactive and instrumental anger. Besides, the uninvolved parenting style had stronger anger than authoritative parenting style.
3. Authoritarian and uninvolved parenting styles had positive influence on adolescence’s hostility. Authoritative parenting style had positive influence on self-esteem, while uninvolved parenting style had negative influence on that. Permissive parenting style had positive influence on stability of self-esteem. And for the adolescence’s anger, uninvolved, permissive parenting style and hostility had positive influence on reactive anger. Besides, uninvolved parenting styles and hostility had positive influence on instrumental anger, while self-esteem level had negative influence on that.
4. Authoritarian and uninvolved parenting style could affect reactive anger via hostility. In other words, hostility did play a mediate role between parenting style and adolescence’s reactive anger. Besides, authoritarian and uninvolved parenting style could also affect instrumental anger via hostility, and authoritative and uninvolved parenting style could affect that via level of self-esteem in adolescence. It showed hostility and level of self-esteem did play a mediate role between parenting style and instrumental anger.
Key Words: Parenting style, Hostility, self-esteem, anger
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究問題 6
第四節 名詞釋義 6

第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 青少年憤怒情緒、敵意與自尊之關係探討 8
第二節 父母親職型態、青少年憤怒、敵意與自尊之關係…………………17

第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究架構 23
第二節 研究假設 24
第三節 研究對象 25
第四節 研究工具 25
第五節 資料處理與分析 40

第四章 研究結果與討論 43
第一節 概況 43
第二節 不同父母親職型態、敵意、自尊在憤怒之差異分析…….48
第三節 親職型態、青少年敵意、自尊高低、自尊穩定與青少年立即
反應性、工具性憤怒之相關情形 53
第四節 影響青少年敵意、自尊之親職型態分析 56
第五節 影響青少年憤怒情緒之分析 60
第六節 青少年憤怒情緒之路徑分析 77
第七節 青少年憤怒情緒之研究結果討論 82

第五章 結論與建議 87
第一節 研究結論 87
第二節 建議 91
第三節 未來研究之建議 93

參考文獻 95
一、中文部分 95
二、英文部分 98

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