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論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Employee’s Stock Ownership Plans and Its Personality traits on Organization satisfaction
外文關鍵詞:employee’s stock ownership planscash bonusstock bonusexecutive stock optionlocus of controlpersonal traitsorganization satisfaction
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2、如果員工認為員工分紅制度對組織滿意度會產生不同的看法, 那麼以何種分紅制度的效果較佳?
Cable and Fitzroy(1980)與Blinder(1992)指出實施員工分紅制度可以增加組織滿意度;Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, and Barrick(1999)認為外控人格特質越高的人,越表現出負面的情感,對工作滿意度也較低,而員工分紅制度對我國的高科技電子產業之成就有相當的貢獻,故本研究根據上述學者之發現為理論基礎,建立有關員工分紅制度、人格特質及組織滿意度之研究構架。

The main purpose of this research is to investigate the Influence of Employee’s Stock Ownership Plans(cash bonus; stock bonus; executive stock option; cash bonus and stock bonus; cash bonus and executive stock option; stock bonus and executive stock option; cash bonus , stock bonus and executive stock option)and Its Personality traits(internal control, external control)on Organization satisfaction. The main purpose of the research are:
First, what difference on Incentive from difference employee’s stock ownership plans on the organization satisfaction? Second, if employees think that difference employee’s stock ownership plans on the organization satisfaction have Incentive. What employee’s stock ownership plans were better? Third, does difference personality traits on organization satisfaction have significantly difference?Finally, does difference personality traits and difference employee’s stock ownership plans on organization satisfaction have significantly ’’interaction effect’’?
Cable and Fitzroy(1980)and Blinder(1992)point out that sharing schemes can transform fundamentally the atmosphere of the workplace by eliminating the traditional conflict between workers and the firm, because cooperation raises the workers’ effort due to maximization of joint wealth. Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, and Barrick(1999)compared personality factors to career success. They found that neuroticism(negative emotionality), extraversion, and conscientiousness have been most highly related to career success. Theory and evidence have suggested a negative relationship between neuroticism and job satisfaction, and a positive relationship has been implied between extraversion and job satisfaction. Recently, profit sharing and stock ownership system was practiced by the high-tech industry in Taiwan.
According to these scholars, the objective of this research is to establish a framework that the influence of employee’s stock ownership plans and its personality traits on organization satisfaction.
The major conclusions of this research are as follows: Difference employee’s stock ownership plans and the organization satisfaction of the employees have significantly difference. In particular, people with bonus of cash and stock have better organization satisfaction. The personality traits and the organization satisfaction of the employees have significantly difference. People with internal locus of control are higher organization satisfaction. Difference personality traits and difference employee’s stock ownership plans on organization satisfaction have significantly ’’interaction effect’’. Difference employee’s stock ownership plans. People with internal locus of control are higher organization satisfaction.

授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vii
目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 員工分紅制度介紹 6
第二節 人格特質 29
第三節 組織滿意度 33
第四節 員工分紅制度及人格特質對組織滿意度之
相關研究 35
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 44
第二節 建立假說 45
第三節 變數定義 46
第四節 問卷設計與衡量 48
第五節 資料分析方法 49
第六節 研究限制 50
第四章 資料收集與分析
第一節 資料收集與樣本結構 52
第二節 量表信度 56
第三節 效度分析 58
第四節 雙因子變異數分析 60
第五節 員工分紅制度對組織滿意度之分析 61
第六節 人格特質對組織滿意度之分析 64
第五章 研究結論
第一節 研究結論 70
第二節 對實務界之建議 74
第三節 建議未來研究之方向 75
參考文獻 77
附錄 88


圖1-1 研究流程圖 5
圖3-1 研究架構圖 45


表2-1 員工分紅制度之分類 9
表2-2 分紅相關文獻之定義 11
表2-3 分紅之相關法條規定 13
表2-4 入股相關文獻之定義 14
表2-5 入股之相關法條規定 20
表2-6 分紅入股相關文獻之定義 21
表2-7 分紅入股之相關法條 23
表2-8 員工分紅制度對組織滿意度之相關文獻(正效果) 38
表2-9 員工分紅制度對組織滿意度之相關文獻(負效果) 42
表2-10 人格特質與組織滿意度之相關文獻 43
表4-1 問卷發放與回收統計表 53
表4-2-1問卷基本統計資料(性別) 54
表4-2-2問卷基本統計資料(婚姻狀況) 54
表4-2-3問卷基本統計資料(年齡) 54
表4-2-4問卷基本統計資料(教育程度) 55
表4-2-5問卷基本統計資料(職位類別) 55
表4-2-6問卷基本統計資料(年資) 55
表4-2-7問卷基本統計資料(年收入) 56
表4-3 信度分析表 57
表4-4 組織滿意度構面之KMO與Bartlett 檢定 58
表4-5 組織滿意度之因素分析 59
表4-6 交互作用檢定表 60
表4-7 在外控人格特質下分紅制度之單因子變異數分析 61
表4-8 在外控人格特質下分紅制度之Scheffe法事後多重比較 62
表4-9 在內控人格特質下分紅制度之單因子變異數分析 63
表4-10 在內控人格特質下分紅制度之Scheffe法事後多重比較 63
表4-11 不同分紅制度下人格特質之分配表 64
表4-12 在現金紅利下人格特質之獨立樣本t檢定 65
表4-13 在股票紅利下人格特質之獨立樣本t檢定 66
表4-14 在股票選擇權下人格特質之獨立樣本t檢定 67
表4-15在現金紅利及股票紅利下人格特質之獨立樣本t檢定 68
表4-16在股票紅利及股票選擇權下人格特質之獨立樣本t檢定 69
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