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論文名稱(外文):Transfer of Training on Maintenance Resource Management
指導教授(外文):WEN HUNG KUO
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關鍵字: 維修資源管理(MRM)、維修資源管理訓練、訓練遷移。
This research is direct against to the performance of the maintenance personnel of the maintenance factory of a domestic aviation company at the time before and after the MRM training utilized the MRM training transfer effectiveness evaluation. The questionnaire is developed in accordance with the Taylor and Thomas (53) tool for evaluating MRM programs. Also we make some modification and supplement and added some opening questions to set up the questionnaire of this research direct to the questionnaire of the evaluating of effectiveness of MRM training by Hsiu-Ya Tseng (18)
The questionnaire is used to survey participants before training, one week after training, two month after training, and three months after training. In viewing trainee’s behavior shift and attitude changing in order to understand the effectiveness and benefit of the training. The basic information of the questionnaire were analyzed by statistics techniques as Item Analysis, Internal Consistency Analysis, T-test, Factor Analysis, ANOVA and MANOVA and the conclusions as follow:
The maintenance performance has apparent differences between before and after the MRM training: basing on analyzing descriptive statistics of maintenance performance and utilizing ANOVA to check the maintenance performance before and after the training. The trainees have performed differences on maintenance performance before and after four stages of MRM training in the case of population variation.
The evaluation of training curriculum after MRM training is surveyed on three phases as reliability, effectiveness, and requirements, in which we design open questions with multiple choices. It is understood that the trainees can apply the knowledge and techniques that they have learned on MRM training to their jobs and reach a medium effectiveness of transfer of training.
On the four stages before and after MRM training, the trainees make no apparent changes in behavior when sex, marital status, work-shift or license is taken into consideration. But there are apparent differences in conditions of education, department, age, title and work years in the medium effectiveness of transfer of training can be attained.
Key Word: Maintenance Resource Management (MRM), MRM training, Transfer of Training
目 錄
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
誌 謝 vii
目 錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 6
1.3 研究目的 9
1.4 研究內容及範圍 10
1.5 研究架構與流程 11
第二章 文獻探討 14
2.1 維修資源管理相關理論及研究 14
2.1.1維修資源管理的背景 14
2.1.2維修資源管理的定義 24
2.1.3維修資源管理的發展過程 26
2.1.4國外維修資源管理訓練課程的發展 30
2.1.5國內MRM訓練課程發展 36
2.1.6國內外MRM訓練成效相關之文獻 38
2.2 訓練遷移理論與研究 45
2.2.1訓練遷移的理論來源 46
2.2.2訓練遷移之相關研究 48
2.2.3訓練遷移的定義 49
2.2.4訓練遷移的類型 52
2.2.5影響訓練遷移成效之因素 54
2.2.6MRM訓練遷移成效評估績效衡量 57
2.2.7影響訓練遷移之障礙 59
第三章 研究設計與方法 61
3.1 研究方法 61
3.2 研究架構 62
3.3 研究假設 64
3.4 研究範圍與對象 66
3.5 研究問卷設計與編制流程 67
3.6 問卷架構建立及專家效度 68
3.7 研究統計分析方法 73
第四章 研究結果 77
4.1 基本資料分析 77
4.2 研究構面之建立 80
4.2.1研究構面 80
4.2.2項目分析 84
4.2.3建構效度 86
4.2.4各構面因素之命名 88
4.2.5MRM訓練與訓練後課程評估之統計分析 89
4.3 訓練前後維修績效差異性比較分析 93
4.4 四階段不同人員變項對維修績效差異性分析 96
4.5 MRM訓練前後對你工作行為改變統計分析 103
4.6 MRM訓練後課程評估之分析 107
4.6.1MRM訓練後三階段之題項分析 107
4.6.2MRM訓練後三階段實用性分析 109
4.6.3MRM訓練後三階段成效性分析 112
4.6.4MRM訓練後三階段需求性分析 113
4.7 開放式問題勾選答題情況簡述 115
4.7.1在執行工作時,主要的工作壓力來源 116
4.7.2人為因素造成維修疏失的主要原因 121
第五章 結論與建議 127
5.1 研究結論 127
5.2 研究特色與貢獻 130
5.3 建議 130
參考文獻 136

附錄 142

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