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研究生(外文):HSIEH YU FEN
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Using Quality Function Deployment in the Service lity of Academic Affair
指導教授(外文):Chin-Yao Low
外文關鍵詞:Quality Function DeploymentService QualityKano’s Model
  • 被引用被引用:10
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一、 在教務處服務品質需求,以「人員服務態度」中“服務人員品格值得信任”、“服務人員辦事效率”及「教務資訊系統」中之“連線等候時間短”等三項重要性為高。
二、 在服務品質要素方面,以「管理制度要素」中“品質目標”、“品質規劃”、“品質制策” 等三項重要性為高。
College education can be viewed as an educational service industry or an educational enterprise. Besides the quality of teaching, the quality of administrative service in college also affects that of education. The management of a school is indeed like the business of an enterprise. Viewed in this perspective, if a school intends to recruit more excellent students, it should take customers’ (students’) opinions into first consideration in order to improve its “product” and strengthen its “service quality.”
This study explores some case studies through questionnaire investigation of students in one institute of technology. Based on an analysis of student’s returning questionnaires, this study tries to understand student’s attitude toward the service of an academic affair office within a college. It also aims to realize student’s priority need, their satisfaction, the importance of service quality, and the future development of service quality by means of an application of QFD (Quality Function Deployment) and Kano’s Model. In accordance with the result of this execution, this study concludes that an academic affair office should enhance some qualitative elements and service items for a better service quality with a view to reducing student’s complaint and to elevating student’s satisfaction.
This study finds out two following facts:
1. As for student’s priority needs for the service of academic affair office, “clerk’s moral character is worth trusting” and “clerk’s serving efficiency” in clerk’s manner of service as well as “on-line waiting time is short” in academic information system prove to be vital items for student’s requirement.
2. In the aspect of service quality element, “qualitative objective,” “qualitative planning,” and “qualitative strategy” prove to be essential for improving service quality.
This study is based on the “Quality Function Deployment,” applying the suggestions from a pragmatic analysis of the service quality in academic affair office. I sincerely hope that this study can be, in the near future, the reference for improving the service quality of academic affair office in every college.
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
誌 謝 vii
目 錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究對象及範圍 3
1.5 論文架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 服務品質的基本概念 6
2.2 顧客需求 7
2.2.1 顧客定義 7
2.3 顧客需求的種類 8
2.3.1 顧客需求的調查方式 9
2.4 Kano二維品質模式 11
2.4.1 二維品質模式源起 11
2.4.2 Kano二維品質模式的定義 13
2.4.3 Kano二維品質模式的歸類 16
2.5 品質機能展開 19
2.5.1 品質機能展開的發展 19
2.5.2 品質機能展開定義 21
2.5.3 品質機能展開流程 22
2.5.4 品質機能展開效用 24
2.5.5 品質機能展開相關服務品質研究應用 26
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 問卷調查 28
3.1.1 問卷設計步驟 28
3.1.2 問卷設計內容 29
3.1.3 問卷實施計劃 29
3.2 Kano二維品質模式 30
3.2.1 品質要素與顧客滿意效益係數 30
3.3 品質機能展開 32
3.3.1 品質機能展開的執行程序 32
3.3.2 服務類品質展開 35
3.3.3 品質表實行 37
第四章 實證分析 41
4.1 教務處品質機能展開過程 41
4.2 製作品質表 41
4.2.1 教務處服務品質需求展開 42
4.2.2 問卷資料整理 45
4.2.3 設定品質企劃 45
4.2.4 品質要素的展開 63
4.2.5 品質需求與品質要素關係強度的評量 64
4.2.6 品質要素權重的計算 65
4.3 品質要素與業務項目的關係矩陣 70
4.3.1 業務項目的展開 70
4.3.2 業務項目權重的計算 71
第五章 結論與展望 76
5.1 研究概述 76
5.2 結論與貢獻 78
5.3 後續研究展望 82
參考文獻 84

附錄 87


﹝18﹞A Jebb and HP Wynn, 1995, Design function deployment a design system for the future,﹝16﹞,Design Studies, pp447-470.
﹝19﹞Bonstingl, J. J., 1992, Schools of quality, Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
﹝20﹞Hauser, J. R. and D. Clausing, 1998,“The house of quality,”Harvard Business Review ,May-June ,pp.63-73.
﹝21﹞Matzler, K. and Hinterhuber, H. H., 1998, “How to Make Product Development Projects more Successful by Integrating Kano 's model of customer satisfaction into Quality Function Deployment” ,Technovation ,18﹝1﹞,pp,25-38.
﹝22﹞Sallis, E.,1993, Total quality management in education, Philadelphia: Kogan Page.
﹝23﹞Schvaneveldt,Shane J. Takao Enkawa and Masami Miykawa,1991, Consumer Evaluation Perspectives of Service Quality:Evaluation Factors and Two-Way Model of Quality, Total Quality Mangement,Vol.2,No.2,pp,149-161.
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