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論文名稱(外文):Study on Effect of Degrading Methoxyl-Pectin Solution on Lycopersivon esculentum Growth and on Its Bactericidal Activity against Pseudomonas solanacearum
指導教授(外文):CHANG YAW NAW
外文關鍵詞:Degrading methoxyl-group-pectin solutionLycopersivon esculentumPseudomonas solanacearum
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In this study, the degrading high-methoxyl-group-pectin and low-methoxyl- group-pectin solutions (DHMGPS and DLMGPS, respectively) by using pectinase treatment were prepared to immerse tomato seeds of Lycopersivon esculentum and to spray the growing tomato off-springs. The effects of DHMGPS, DLMGPS and WS (only water solution) treatments on the germination and growth of tomato seeds and off-springs, and the wilt-disease-resistance of the tomato plants to Pseudomonas solanacearum were investigated in the greenhouse. The highest value of the seed germination rate, of the plant growth height, and of the cotyledon quantity was obtained from the results of this experiment for DLMGPS, DHMGPS, and WS treatments, respectively. The effect of the pectin-degrading solutions on the yellow-colored leaves of the tomato plants during the off-spring period was in following order: DLMGPS > DHMGPS > WS treatments. From the results of the wilt-disease-resistance of the tomato plants to Pseudomonas solanacearum, all the tomato plants for WS treatments were withered and totally dead during three days and one week, respectively, after the infection of the bacterial wilt. There was no fruit for WS treatments in one week after bacterial infection. The percentage of the withered tomato plants for DHMGPS treatments was 50% and 80% at the second and third week, respectively, after the bacterial infection. There were a few fruits for DHMGPS treatments after bacterial infection. The color of the leaves of the no-withered tomato plants for DLMGPS treatments was green during three weeks after bacterial infection. At the beginning of the fourth week after bacterial infection, there were the bright red-colored fruits with large size to result for DLMGPS treatments. The amount of the tomato fruits for DLMGPS treatments was higher than that for the DHMGPS treatments.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1蕃茄之介紹 5
2.2蕃茄之生長習性 5
2.2.1低溫寒害引起果實生理劣變之症狀 6
2.2.2蕃茄的病害 8
2.3果膠之介紹 10
2.3.1果膠的分類 10
2.3.2果膠的性質 11
2.3.3果膠的抗菌性 13
第三章 材料與方法 20
3.1前言 20
3.2材料與方法 22
3.2.1實驗材料 22
3.2.2儀器設備 25
3.2.3培養方法 26
3.3實驗方法 26
3.3.1發芽試驗 26
3.3.2抗病害試驗 28
3.3.3促進結果試驗 28
3.3.4抗凍試驗 29
3.3.5果實後熟促進試驗 30
第四章 結果與討論 31
4.1提高發芽率結果與討論 31
4.1.1果膠對蕃茄幼苗生長與討論 31
4.2甲氧基果膠噴灑蕃茄抗青枯病之結果與討論 34
4.3高低甲氧基果膠對蕃茄結果之影響 34
4.4抗凍害實驗結果之討論 49
5.5果實後熟促進結果與討論 49
第五章 結論 64

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