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論文名稱(外文):A Case-Based Construction for Maintenance Management Information System-A Case of Taichung Power Plant
外文關鍵詞:Electronic AutomationCase-Based ReasoningMaintenance Management Information SystemFault Diagnostic
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本研究針對台中發電廠環保控制設備維修流程與系統架構提出改善方案,結合電子自動化技術、通訊協定轉換、案例式推理技術(Case-Based Reasoning,CBR)、關聯式資料庫,建立一套維修管理資訊系統(Maintenance Management Information System, MMIS),以期縮短設備故障排除時間,提高設備性能的可靠度。
This paper presents a maintenance management information system to provide an improving solution for the maintenance procedure and system structure of Taichung Power Plant environment protection facilities control system. This system is developed via the combination of electronic automation, protocol translation, case-based reasoning and relational database. This system aims at reducing the control system trouble-shooting time to improve the reliability and performance of the equipments.
In existence hardware architecture, the EP/ASH control network connects the various types of PLC controllers. This system utilizes the translation of the various protocols, and the integration of the RSView workstation interfaces to achieve the real-time data access and the monitoring of the whole factory. The maintain database is composed of the workstation build-in data points, control system’s digital/analog signals, workstation data-logs and maintain cases. By web browser, the system provides the user a shared data resource platform. Through the case-based reasoning cycle, the system provides the troubleshooting suggestion for fault diagnostic by retrieving the past maintain case’s knowledge and maintenance associated information, to assist the operators and engineers to do the troubleshooting task.
To face the stricter and stricter environment protection policy, this maintenance management information system could decrease the times of repair request and reduce the trouble-shooting time. The use of this system shows the stability of the running of environment protection facilities of Taichung Power Plant is helpful, and improves the total performance.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 7
第五節 研究步驟與方法 7
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 火力發電廠EP/ASH系統 10
第二節 電子自動化控制 15
第三節 統一塑模語言(UML) 20
第四節 案例式推理 21
第三章 系統分析與設計
第一節 系統架構 28
第二節 EP/ASH控制系統整合 31
第三節 維修管理資訊系統需求分析 35
第四節 系統分析與設計 39
第四章 系統實作
第一節 系統實作環境 74
第二節 圖控工作站整合 79
第三節 資料庫規劃 82
第四節 程式架構 89
第五章 研究成果
第一節 系統實作功能 96
第二節 系統驗證 111
第六章 結論
參考文獻 117
附錄一 121
附錄二 123
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