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研究生(外文):CHI-LIANG OU
論文名稱(外文):On the Impact of Correlation Coefficient for OFDM Systems over Correlated Branches with Gaussian Distribution
外文關鍵詞:OFDM、correlated-Nakagami-m channel、correlated-Gaussian coefficient
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本文主要研究正交分頻多工系統系統工作於相關性Nakagami-m通道的系統效能分析研究。其中相關分支假設呈現高斯相關(correlated-Gaussian)模型。OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)系統中,當兩接收的天線非常接近,接收的信號是具有相關性,此一現象必然會影響系統效能。而相關性又與Nakagami-m通道m值和高斯相關係數有關。本文利用計算接收機端之位元錯誤率(bit error rate, BER)之方法研究系統效能與Nakagami-m通道中之衰落參數值,m值和高斯相關係數的關係。
The performance analysis is for OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system which is working in correlated-Nakagami-m channel with correlated branches in this paper. The correlated-branch is assumed correlated-Gaussian model. The received signals will cause correlation phenomenon in OFDM system when the antennas are with closely space. From the results analyzed in this paper, it is worth to note that not only the correlation will impact on the performance, but the fading parameter of Nakagami-m distributed will also dominate the system performance of OFDM system. By computing the bit error rate of the receiver, we study the relation between the performance and Nakagami-m channel of fading parameter m value and correlated-Gaussian coefficient.
Keywords:OFDM、correlated-Nakagami-m channel、correlated-Gaussian coefficient
博碩士論文暨電子檔案上網授權書............ iii
中文摘要....................... iv
英文摘要....................... v
誌謝....................... vi
目錄....................... vii
圖目錄....................... vii
表目錄....................... xi
第一章 緒論..................... 1
1.1 研究動機與目的................ 1
1.2 論文綱要................... 2
第二章 OFDM正交分頻多工系統............ 4
2.1 OFDM基本原理................ 4
2.2 離散傅立葉轉換................ 7
第三章 無線通訊衰落通道............... 10
3.1 無線通道信號衰落.............. 10
3.2 多重路徑及多重衰落[8] ............ 11
3.3 多重路徑衰落所造成的效應........... 11
3.4 衰落的形式分類................ 12
3.4.1 小尺度衰落[9] ............. 12
3.4.2 大尺度衰落.............. 15
3.5 衰落通道的數學模型.............. 20
3.6 通道統計分佈................. 23
3.6.1 Normal(Gaussian)衰落分佈......... 23
3.6.2 Rayleigh衰落分佈............. 26
3.6.3 Rice衰落分佈............... 28
3.6.4 Nakagami-m衰落分佈........... 33
第四章 分集合成技術................. 37
4.1 極化分集(Polarization Diversity) ...... 38
4.2 頻率分集................... 38
4.3 空間分集................... 39
4.3.1 選擇性合成(Selection Combining, SC) .... 40
4.3.2 等增益合成(Equal Gain Combining, EGC) .. 41
4.3.3 最大比例合成(Maximal Ratio Combining, MRC) 43
4.4 時間分集................... 44
第五章 OFDM於相關高斯分支中之系統效能分析... .. 46
5.1 通道模型................... 46
5.2 系統效能分析................. 50
5.2.1 相關Nakagami-m衰落通道........ 50
5.2.2 系統效能分析.............. 51
5.2.3 高斯分布之相關係數........... 53
第六章 數值分析與討論................ 55
第七章 結論..................... 60

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