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研究生(外文):KWAWU LU
論文名稱(外文):Research of Waveguide Microwaves Filters with Metal Septum Inserts
外文關鍵詞:S parametersNormalized Odd and Even impedanceResonator
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The thesis mainly focuses on the study of waveguide microwaves filters with metal septum inserts. We analyze the geometry of the metal septum inserts with the different in the conventional pass band waveguide filters. To analyze of filters discontinuities by the mode matching method and discuss the case for a complete change of emphasis in the solution of waveguide discontinuity problems and to present a general method of normal mode summation. The design of this structures are waveguide metal insert bandpass filters with half-wave resonators coupled with one another by means of longitudinally oriented. An optimization of the design procedure and the algorithm using is developed. The optimization often is required in practice for the accurate design of these filters.

Chapter1. Introduction.............1
1.1 Motivation.............1
1.2 Analysis.............1
1.3 Organization of This Thesis.............4
Chapter2. Analysis of the Discontinuities.............5
2.1 Introduction.............5
2.2 Describe transverse fields.............6
2.3 The waveguides coupling between junctions.............7
2.4 Adding in the junctions.............13
2.5 Condition of microwaves waveguides.............14
2.5.1 The form of the normal modes in the waveguide.............15
2.5.2 Many guide junctions.............16
2.5.3 The central plane description.............17
2.6 The characterization of waveguide.............17
2.6.1 Waveguide Filters in a centrally interface.............18
2.6.2 Some length interface description.............24
2.7 Impedance of filters.............26
Chapter3. Design of waveguide microwaves filters.............29
3.1 Design Procedure.............29
3.2 Characterization of the best situation.............35
3.3 Accordable Implementation.............38
3.4 Application.............44
Chapter4. Conclusion.............48
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