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研究生(外文):Fu Chieh Hwang
論文名稱(外文):Improving Performance and Parametric Analysis of Helix on Rubber Rotary Lip Seal
指導教授(外文):Chih-yung Wen
外文關鍵詞:Rubber Rotary Lip SealHelixComputational Fluid DynamicsPumping Rate
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本研究利用數值方法建立橡膠唇型旋轉油封之理論模型,針對唇型旋轉油封之迴油溝進行設計改良,於既有設計之斜紋迴油溝中加入轉折參數,並增加迴油溝高度。以實驗與數值交互探討潤滑流體在橡膠唇型旋轉油封(Rubber Rotary Lip Seal)中受到迴油溝(Helix)影響所產生的迴油現象(Pumping) ,使用計算流體力學商用電腦輔助分析軟體CFD-RC®,數值方法模擬預測迴油率(Pumping Rate) ,並利用迴轉測試機台輔以實驗量測橡膠唇型旋轉油封之迴旋操作狀況下之迴油率,藉由數值與實驗比對驗證數值模型之準確性。新型高迴油率油封針對現有設計之迴油溝加以改良,以單唇型式的油封為基本型構,在原有的斜紋狀迴油溝中加入轉折設計,且大幅度增加尾端的迴油溝高度。並針對改良參數進行參數研究,取得最佳化設計。
In this thesis, a direct numerical simulation model has been adopted to develop a new double-helix design and improve the performance of a rubber rotary lip seal. A commercial computational fluid dynamics software, CFD-RC®, with a SIMPLEC algorithm and staggered-grid arrangement is employed to simulate the flow field around the contact region between the lip and the shaft in the environment of a pumping-rate test rig, where both side of the rubber rotary lip seal are filled with the lubricating fluid initially. The pumping rates are calculated at shaft speed, ranging from 1000 to 6000 rpm, and compared to the measured values from the test rig. Good agreement is observed. Both calculated and measured pumping rates increase as shaft speed increase. The results demonstrate that the rotary lip seal with double-helix design has better performance than traditional one with single oblique helix design.
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi

第一章 問題描述
1.1緣起 1
1.2旋轉軸唇形油封之介紹 2
1.3唇形油封各部位功能說明 4
1.4油封密封原理 5
1.5迴油溝型式 7
1.6用密封元件場合 8
1.7結構說明: 9
1.8文獻回顧 10
第二章 研究方法與進行步驟
2.1迴轉測試機台實驗方法及步驟 15
2.2理論模型 17
2.3模擬參數及幾何外形 18
2.4數值分析 19
第三章 結果與討論
3.1高迴油率旋轉軸油封數值模型建立 28
3.2 SCL模型與新型轉折模型數值模擬比對 33
3.3參數研究 34
3.4實驗與模擬值比對分析 37
3.5模擬分析唇部與軸之間油膜流場、壓力場 39
3.6新型式迴轉軸油封功能性測試 44
第四章 結論 48
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