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研究生(外文):Yu-sheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility Study of Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity Instrument for Reinforced Concrete Structure
指導教授(外文):Yu-Min Kang
外文關鍵詞:Cross-Correlation Relevant functionBeat echo methodNot destroy testCompression strengthCross-Correlation Wave Velocity
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:173
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研究結果顯示: 1. 改良式波速儀之相關設計可增加試驗操作之平衡度,而其震源敲擊器之鋼珠頭設計可強化訊號的產生。 2. 叉積波速儀與敲擊回音設備之儀器波速率定結果比較,整體表現以叉積波速儀較佳,表示所開發之叉積波速儀器應為可行。3. 震源距離與被測結構的邊緣宜應大於5cm,而震源與第一接收器之距離採用10cm較為適宜。 4. 在保護層5cm狀況下,鋼筋對混凝土波速測定會有影響,故試驗時應考慮鋼筋位置,且接收器不宜太靠近或放置於鋼筋正上方。 5. 混凝土材料仍需依不同強度、配比、性質與環境狀況進行其強度預測公式的廻歸。
This thesis will introduce the new work-field Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity Appearance, which is modified from Appearance of speed of indoor wave of concrete developed by Kuo – wei Wu. The method used by the new wave velocity appearance is to beat the surface of the concrete in the work field with the modified beating source. The two receivers are set at the same side of the object which is measured and all are vertical to the surface of the concrete. It reads the time difference between the waves with relative cross -correlation functions to solve Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity of the concrete in the work field.
There are three stages in this project. They are the development of the Outdoors Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity Appearance, Appearance rate fixing and Scene Armored concrete Test. The Beat echo method and the hammer Test are for contract during the test.
The result shows: 1. the relative components design of wave velocity appearance will increase the balance of the test obviously during the operation of the equipment, and the steel ball of the Focus beating device, will enhance the generation of the signals. 2. the comparison between the Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity Instrument and the velocity of the wave which is generated by Beat echo Equipment shows that the Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity Appearance performs better, and this indicates the new Cross-Correlation Wave Velocity Appearance developed by this research can be applied well. 3.The distance between the source and the edge of the structure which is measured should greater than 5 cm, and it is proper to make the distance between the source and the first receiver 10cm.4.because the measurement of the velocity of the wave will be affected by the cramp iron under the thickness of the protection is 5 cm, the position and the arrangement of the cramp iron should be considered and it is not proper to make the receiver closer or above the cramp iron. 5.the materials of the concrete should be analyzed by different regression formulas according to strength, mixture, property and environment.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------- I
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------- III
目錄 ------------------------------------------------- IV
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------- VII
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------- IX
相片目錄 --------------------------------------------- XII
第一章 緒 論 ----------------------------------------- 1
1-1 研究背景與目的 ----------------------------------- 1
1-2 研究步驟 ----------------------------------------- 3
1-3 論文內容 ----------------------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻回顧 -------------------------------------- 5
2-1 前言 -------------------------------------------- 5
2-2 應力波原理簡介 ----------------------------------- 5
2-3 非破壞檢測相關試驗研究 --------------------------- 9
2-3-1 敲擊回音法 ----------------------------------- 9
2-3-2 暫態彈性波法 --------------------------------- 11
2-3-3 叉積波速法 ---------------------------------- 12
2-4波速量測與試體抗壓強度之相關性 -------------------- 17
2-5鋼筋對波速試驗之影響 ------------------------------ 21
2-6總結 ---------------------------------------------- 23
第三章 研究內容與研究方法 ---------------------------- 24
3-1 前言 --------------------------------------------- 24
3-2 研究方法與設備 ----------------------------------- 24
3-2-1 叉積波速儀 ----------------------------------- 25
3-2-2 震源 ----------------------------------------- 27
3-2-3 鋼質試體 ------------------------------------- 28
3-2-4 混凝土試體 ----------------------------------- 29
3-2-5 加速度規與電源供應器 --------------------------- 29
3-2-6 ADC 200-100數位式訊號擷取卡 ------------------ 30
3-2-7 相關分析程式 ----------------------------------- 30
3-2-8 反彈錘設備 ------------------------------------- 31
3-2-9超音波測厚儀 ------------------------------------ 32
3-2-10 敲擊回音設備 ---------------------------------- 32
3-3 研究內容 ---------------------------------------- 32
3-3-1 數據之統計分析 ------------------------------- 34
3-3-2 震源敲擊器之可行性 --------------------------- 35
3-3-3 震源水平距離r -------------------------------- 35
3-3-4 鋼質試體波速率定 ----------------------------- 36
3-3-5 混凝土試體測試 ------------------------------- 37
3-3-6 現場RC結構試驗 ------------------------------- 38
第四章 研究結果之比較與討論 -------------------------- 43
4-1 前言 --------------------------------------------- 43
4-2 各項初測之討論 ----------------------------------- 43
4-2-1 震源敲擊器可行性之結果 ----------------------- 43
4-2-2 震源水平距離r試驗結果 ------------------------ 44
4-2-3 鋼質試體率定結果 ----------------------------- 45
4-2-4 混凝土試體試驗結果 --------------------------- 46
4-3 RC柱結構波速測定 --------------------------------- 47
4-3-1 叉積波速 ------------------------------------- 47
4-3-2 敲擊回音波速 --------------------------------- 49
4-4 RC柱結構波速強度與反彈鎚試驗差異之探討------------ 50
4-4-1 RC柱結構波速強度差異性比較 ------------------- 50
4-4-2反彈鎚試驗之強度判讀 -------------------------- 53
4-4-3抗壓強度、波速換算強度、反彈錘強度之差異比較 -- 54
4-5綜合結論 ------------------------------------------ 55
第五章 結論與建議 ------------------------------------ 59
5-1 結論 --------------------------------------------- 59
5-2 建議 --------------------------------------------- 61
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------- 63
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