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研究生(外文):Chen-Li Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Improvement&Practial Applications of High Speed Large Direct Shear Device with Double Shear Planes
外文關鍵詞:velocitydouble shear planesdirect shear testlateral earth pressure
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A large direct shear test device with double shear planes was first developed in Feng-Chia University in 2005. It was proved that there is a tendency for the obtained results to be better than those obtained from using traditional direct shear test device with single shear plane. However, it was found in the developing process that the normal forces, acting on both the upper and the lower shear planes by applying downward vertical force only from the top side of the specimen, actually cannot transmit totally from the upper shear plane to the lower one. To allow the normal forces acting on both the upper and lower shear planes to be equal, a new system for applying forces was redesigned. Then, the new test device accompany with a traditional large direct shear test device were utilized to perform direct shear tests for four different types of sands such that special functions and features for the newly developed device can be studied.
Results from this thesis reveal that (1) the new device with a system that can apply forces simultaneously from both top and bottom sides of a specimen to its upper and lower shear planes has the tendency to provide reasonable test results; (2) as compared with the single-shear-plane direct shear test device, the double-shear-plane one can provide better test results; (3) it was indicated by the test results from different types of sands that when shear velocities are in the range of slow, the resulting shear strength is increased with the increase in shear velocity, however, when shear velocities are increased from the range of slow to that of fast, the resulting shear strength is decreased with the increase in shear velocity; (4) a smaller increment of the coefficient of lateral earth pressure is obtained for the middle shear box as compared with those obtained from the upper and lower ones; such results directly indicate the complexity of stress distributions in the direct shear test specimen.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 II

目錄 Ⅲ
圖目錄 VII

表目錄 X.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究步驟 2

第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 莫耳及莫耳-庫隆包絡線 3
2-2 土壤顆粒間之剪力抵抗 9
2-3 土壤之基本物理性質試驗 11
2-4 直接剪力試驗儀之相關文獻 12
2-4-1 ASTM對直接剪力試驗儀的相關規定 12
2-4-2 Al-Douri and Poulos改良的直接剪力試驗儀 12
2-4-3 陳君源的直接剪力行為研究 13
2-4-4 林文屹改良的直接剪力試驗儀 14
2-5 非凝聚性土壤側向土壓力之相關文獻 15
2-5-1 靜止的側向土壓力系數相關研究 15
2-5-2 王超華之研究 17
2-5-3 趙子澤之研究 17
第三章 研究內容與研究方法 18
3-1 雙剪力面大型直接剪力試驗儀之改良 19
3-1-1 儀器構件及規格說明 22
3-1-2 改良的儀器之試驗步驟 23
3-2 試驗材料 23
3-2-1 來源 25
3-2-2 一般物理性質試驗及可變的真空掃描電子顯微結果 25
3-2-2-1 標準砂 25
3-2-2-2 大甲溪溪砂 27
3-2-2-3 濁水溪溪砂 29
3-2-2-4 高屏溪溪砂 31
3-3 雙剪力面大型直剪剪力試驗 33
3-3-1 試體條件 33
3-3-2 正向壓力 38
3-3-3 水平剪力推動桿移動速度 38
3-4 傳統的大型直接剪力試驗 38
3-4-1 試體條件 38
3-4-2 正向壓力 41
3-4-3 水平剪力推動桿移動速度 41

第四章 結果之比較與討論 42
4-1 改良前後雙剪力面直接剪力試驗儀之比較 42
4-1-1 改良前後試驗儀器設計上之差異 42
4-1-2 改良前後試驗儀器應力理論上之差異 44
4-2 改良前後雙剪力面直剪的試驗結果之比較 47
4-2-1 疏鬆的標準砂試驗結果 47
4-2-1-1 剪力強度隨水平速度之變化關係 47
4-2-1-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 49
4-2-1-3 側向土壓力隨水平位移變化之關係 50
4-2-2 中等緊密的標準砂試驗結果 54
4-2-2-1 剪力強度隨水平速度之變化關係 54
4-2-2-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 56
4-2-2-3 側向土壓力隨水平位移變化之關係 57
4-3 改良的雙剪力面大型直接剪力試驗儀剪力試驗結果 60
4-3-1 大甲溪砂 60
4-3-1-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 60
4-3-1-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 63
4-3-1-3 側向土壓力隨水平位移變化之關係 64
4-3-2 濁水溪砂 70
4-3-2-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 71
4-3-2-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 73
4-3-2-3 側向土壓力隨水平位移變化之關係 74
4-3-3 高屏溪砂 80
4-3-3-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 81
4-3-3-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 83
4-3-3-3 側向土壓力隨水平位移變化之關係 84
4-4 傳統大直剪試驗結果 91
4-4-1 標準砂 91
4-4-1-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 91
4-4-1-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 94
4-4-2 大甲溪砂 96
4-4-2-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 96
4-4-2-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 99
4-4-3 濁水溪砂 100
4-4-3-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 100
4-4-3-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 102
4-4-4 高屏溪砂 103
4-4-4-1 剪應力隨水平位移變化之關係 104
4-4-4-2 剪力強度參數隨水平速度之變化關係 106

第五章 結論與建議 107
參考文獻 111
【1】許澤善,2005, 921集集大地震中草嶺大崩山之有限元素法模擬分析。
【6】Al-Douri and Pouls,1991,Static and Cyclic Direct Shear Tests on Carbonate Sands, Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, Vol. 15, no. 2,pp. 138-157。
【8】Mayne and Kulhawy,1982,K0-OCR Relationship in soil, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.108, GT6, pp.851-872。
【9】Lambe and Whiteman,1969,Soil Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,New York, pp. 65。
【10】Schmidt and Alpan,1966,Earth Pressure at Rest Related to Stress History, Discussion, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, National Research Council, Ottawa, Onfario, Canada, Vol.3, No.4。
【11】Jaky,1944,The Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest, Journal of the Society of Hungarian Architects and Engineers, Budapest, Hungary, pp.355-358。
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