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研究生(外文):Hsin-wen Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Seismic Response Performance-Based Study of Pot Bearing System
指導教授(外文):Bing-jian Lee
外文關鍵詞:Pot BearingPushover AnalysisSAP2000Post-Damaged
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本研究目的係針對滑動式盤式支承系統組合之試驗結果建立其分析模型,滑動式支承系統包含盤式支承及止震塊(Shear Key)組合,以SAP2000分析軟體對盤式支承系統進行非線性靜力分析(Pushover Analysis),在小位移時,支承提供滑動機制,當位移逐漸增大達到位移容量限制導致支承損壞,探討其位移容量用盡之Post-Damaged行為。
The purpose of this study was to establish an analysis model with the test results of the sliding pot bearing system. The sliding pot bearing system included a pot bearing and a shear key. The analysis software SAP2000 was employed to conduct a pushover analysis on the pot bearing system. For small displacements, the bearing provides a sliding mechanism, but when the displacement becomes larger and reaches the limit of displacement capacity, the bearing will be damaged. This study investigated the post-damaged behaviors upon the depletion of displacement capacity.

This study applied this analysis component model to bridge models on Shitzitao River for a time history analysis of the 921 Earthquake. When a bridge experiences earthquakes, the sliding mechanism of the sliding bearing will take effect and avoid an excessive shear force on bridge columns. But continuous amplification of the earthquake force may result in the depletion of displacement capacity, loss of the sliding function, and damage of the bridge. Bridge columns may be unable to bear the unexpected force, and the damage sequence of the bridge system will be altered, culminating into unexpected damages to the bridge system. The analysis results showed that when the sliding pot bearing simply bears vertical Coulomb friction force within the displacement capacity, and the continuous amplification of the earthquake force has caused the depletion of displacement capacity, the sliding bearing will become a fixed bearing, causing a larger shear stress on the bridge and the damage of bridge columns.

Based on the analysis results, it was indicated that the analysis model of the pot bearing system established in this study was feasible and could be applied to the evaluation of earthquake resistance of bridges.
誌謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 國內外常見的橋梁震害現象以及原因之探討 5
2.2橋梁耐震對策及耐震設計之基本方針 8
2.3 橋梁隔震之基本概念與原理 10
2.4 橋梁隔震結構之特點 11
2.5 盤式支承系統之簡介 12
2.5.1 支承之設計原則 14
2.5.2 盤式支承設計標準 15
2.6 止震塊耐震性能研究 16
2.6.1 止震塊剪力強度之評估 16
2.6.2 止震塊剪力強度理論分析 18
2.7 支承對橋梁地震反應之影響 20
2.7.1 盤式支承之Post-Damaged Bearing Model 20
2.7.2 地震反應分析 21
2.8 結構分析軟體 23
第三章 研究內容與研究方法 35
3.1 盤式支承系統橋梁 35
3.2 盤式支承組合系統實驗之試體設計概述 36
3.3 試驗結果與分析之研究 38
3.3.1 SAP2000分析軟體簡介 38
3.3.2 分析模型基本元素參數設定 40
3.4 盤式支承系統數值模式之模擬分析 41
3.4.1 摩擦單擺支承FPS (Friction Isolator)元件之模擬分析 41
3.4.2 盤勢支承系統之非線性靜力分析(Pushover Analysis) 43
3.5 建立盤式支承系統橋梁模型與模擬分析 44
3.5.1 橋梁簡介 45
3.5.2 橋梁模型之建立 46
3.5.3時間歷時分析 47
3.6 橋柱剪力耐震評估 48
第四章 研究結果比較與討論 64
4.1 試驗結果 64
4.1.1 試體裝置作業 64
4.1.2 試驗側向力-位移反應結果 65
4.2 盤式支承系統模型分析結果 66
4.2.1 摩擦單擺支承FPS (Friction Isolator)元件分析結果 66
4.2.2 支承系統模型非線性推進分析(Pushover Analysis)結果 66
4.3 理論分析與試驗結果之比較與討論 67
4.4 竹崎橋地震歷時分析之結果 68
第五章 結論與建議 109
5.1 結論 109
5.2 建議 110
參考文獻 112
附錄一 116
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