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研究生(外文):Bing-yi Wu
論文名稱(外文):The capacitated hub location problem with single allocation
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Fung Chen
外文關鍵詞:hub-and-spokehub location problemsimulated annealingtabu list
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本研究所探討之有容量限制的單一分派轉運點位址問題,是軸幅路網(hub-and-spoke network)應用中的重要課題。軸輻路網之應用,藉由選擇出的中間轉運站來擔任集中、轉運的角色,轉運點之間集中了較大的運輸量,進而達到規模經濟的效益,使得總運送成本有效的降低。在軸幅路網中,轉運點(hub)間完全連結,在路網中擔任集中、轉運的角色,而非轉運點(nonhub或spoke)間必須經由連結轉運點來相互連結。在有容量限制的單一分派轉運點位址問題中,轉運點數目的決定、轉運點位址的選定及非轉運點連結轉運點的分派決策是影響效益的關鍵。本研究所探討的是單一分派的情況,研究中所追求的是決定最適的轉運點數目、選出最適的轉運點位址,並對非轉運點連結轉運點作最適的分派,以使軸幅路網之總成本最小化,此系統的總成本包括:(1)起點至轉運點(origin-hub)的收集成本;(2)轉運點間(inter hub)的運輸成本;(3)轉運點至終點(hub-destination)的配送成本;以及(4)轉運點的個別建置成本。
由於有容量限制的單一分派轉運點位址問題是NP-hard問題,求解過程相當複雜,當處理實務的大問題時,其通常無法在合理時間內求得最佳解,本研究以推導轉運點數目的下界,決定轉運點數目搜尋方式,發展轉運點位址和非轉運點分派的程序,並結合模擬退火法(simulated annealing)與禁忌名單(tabu list),以發展能在合理時間內求得近似最佳解的混合啟發式解法,以方便應用。
This research deals with the capacitated hub location problems with single allocation (CHLP-S). CHLP-S is one of the important topics in hub-and-spoke network. The CHLP-S is a decision problem, in regard to the number of hubs and location-allocation, with the hub-and-spoke network structure. Hub-and-spoke network discuss how to choose the middle hubs to serve as the role of centralizing and transporting. The bigger volume of transportation between hubs could approach the economies of scope and reduce the total cost of transportation. In a hub-and-spoke network, all hubs which act as switching points for internodal flows are interconnected and none of the nonhub nodes (i.e., spokes) are directly connected (i.e., all flow must be routed through the hubs). The key factors for designing a successful hub-and-spoke network are to determine the optimal number of hubs and to properly locate the hubs and to allocate the nonhubs to the hubs, so that the total cost is minimized. The total cost includes (1) the collection cost incurred during the transportation from nonhubs to their allocated hubs; (2) the transfer cost incurred during the transportation between hubs; (3) distribution cost incurred during the transportation from the allocated hubs to nonhubs; and (4) the costs for establishing hubs.
It is know that CHLP-S is NP-hard. When dealing with a large instance, in the worst case, it may not be possible to obtain an optimal solution in a reasonable time. In this research, an approach to derive the upper bound for the number of hubs along with a hybrid heuristic, based on the simulated annealing method, tabu lists, and improvement procedures, are to be developed. Computational characteristics of the proposed approach will be evaluated through extensive computational experiments using data sets from the literature. Comparisons will be made with the optimal solutions and best solutions found in the literature.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vi

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………5
第三章 研究方法及進行步驟…………………………………11
第四章 研究結果………………………………………………30
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………36
參考文獻……………………………………………………… 38

圖1 轉運點示意圖………………………………………………3
圖2 研究步驟流程圖……………………………………………5
圖3 模擬退火法之基本演算流程圖……………………………16
圖4 nonhub點改分派流程圖……………………………………24
圖5 混合啟發式解法的流程圖…………………………………27
圖6 100點以上AP例題最好解比較圖………………………… 35

表1 混合啟發式解法執行50點以下AP例題比較表……………34
表2 混合啟發式解法執行100點以上AP例題比較表………… 35
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