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研究生(外文):Yi-kuan Pao
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Theory of Constraints Application in IC Packaging and Testing Products Mixed Decision Making
外文關鍵詞:Turn-keyIC PackagingIC TestingProduct MixedThroughput AccountingTheory of Constraints
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IC封裝(IC Packaging)和IC測試(IC Testing)產業是一種代工接單生產的模式,產品種類多、生產數量少是其特色。除了一般的訂單外,為了提供客戶更方便的服務,同時擁有封裝與測試的公司,會提供「整廠輸入(Turn-key)」的服務。其內容包含: (1)單張訂單完成封裝與測試的製程,(2)同一報表揭露生產過程資訊,(3)同時也由統一窗口來服務客戶。但是如此方便的服務,也造成一般的訂單與Turn-key的訂單混雜,多樣的產品組合(Products Mixed)選擇,更加深設計決策模式之難度。
本研究運用限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC),以IC封裝測試產品為例。依據該製程的瓶頸站別,以該站別之可用工時為其產能限制資源(Capacity Constraint Resources, CCR),只考慮產出會計(Throughput Accounting)定義之產出值(Throughput)的多寡,並且考慮了一般訂單(一個製程)及Turn-key訂單(連續多個製程)的混合情境。以線性規劃(Linear Program, LP)的方式,在可能對公司同時存在兩個瓶頸以上的情況下,建立一套產品組合快速決策模式,以供企業主決策管理之用。
The keen competition of Semiconductor Industry is existing in global market. Beside the competitive pressure from overseas, the internal constraint, like the increasing cost of manpower, the strict law and insufficiency of supplier chain after lots of them moving out, has made the circumstances even worse than even. Therefore, how to capitalize the limited resource to gain the profit has become the most important task for Semiconductors in Taiwan.
The core business of IC Packaging and Testing industry is OEM service, and its most famous characteristics are the variety of products and plus small quantity. In addition to general purchase order, the company which provides both IC packaging and testing will offer “Turn-key service” as well. These services includes: (1) One purchase order covers whole Packaging and Testing service, (2) the manufacturing information will be expressed in one shot report, and (3) the contact window will one for each customer. But this convenient service also causes the chaos in between general and turn-key orders. The variety of product mixed will make the design of Decision Model much more complicate.
Theory of Constraints is applied and take IC Packaging and Testing as example. There are three factors taken as premises: (1) the bottle neck station of different production lines, the identification of Capacity Constraint Resource. (2) Throughput (identified by throughput accounting). (3) the mixed product combined with original purchase order and turn-key order. Therefore, there are more than one bottle neck needed to be considerated. Through above three, and generating with Linear Program, the fast decision model is expressed in this theory, in order to support the decision making of enterprises.
摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
符號與英文縮寫說明 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1.研究的背景及動機 1
1.2.研究目的 2
1.3.研究內容及架構 3
1.3.1.研究限制 3
1.3.2.研究架構: 3
第二章 基本理論與文獻探討 5
2.1.限制理論 5
2.2.產出會計 7
2.3.文獻探討 9
第三章 研究方法與模式建構 12
3.1.產品組合決策概說 12
3.2.決策流程 13
3.3.產品組合決策模式 15
第四章 個案實例驗證 18
4.1.導體封裝測試產品簡介 18
4.1.1.產品製造基本流程 18
4.1.2.製程產能基本資料 24
4.1.3.各產品產出值資料 26
4.1.4.Turn-key接單組合 27
4.1.5.各產品單位換算 28
4.2.限制理論產品組合規劃 29
4.2.1.基本模式之最佳產品組合 32
4.2.2.客戶限制下的最佳產品組合 33
4.2.3.市場限制下最佳產品組合 38
第五章 結論及建議 46
參考文獻 48
附錄 50
附錄一 各產品各製程之單位產出值 50
附錄二 求基本模式下之 LINGO 程式 51
附錄三 求客戶限制下的最佳產品組合之 LINGO 程式 54
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