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研究生(外文):Hsiao-chun Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Study of Steam Reforming of Methane in a Palladium-Silver Alloy Membrane Reactor
指導教授(外文):Shin-fu Chang
外文關鍵詞:methane steam reformingmembrane reactorNi
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In this study, steam reforming of methane was carried out in a traditional reactor or a membrane reactor. The membrane reactor was consisted of two coaxial tubes, of which the outer tube was a stainless steel tube and the inner one was a porous stainless steel tube, electrolessly plated, with palladium/silver alloy, being dense and important for separation and purification of hydrogen. To perform the reforming reaction, a commercial Ni/MgAl2O3 reforming catalyst was packed into the annular space. The traditional reactor was made by replacing the porous inner tube with a dense stainless steel tube of the same diameter. Methane conversion and hydrogen extraction ratio were studied in detail under different operating conditions with ranging parameters such as temperature, pressure, space velocity and steam-to-methane feed ratio. Moreover, experimental results in terms of methane conversion for the membrane reactor were compared with those obtained using a traditional reactor. For high hydrogen production, high methane conversion and relatively low carbon monoxide yield, the optimum conditions are: steam to methane ratio of 2 , temperature of 470℃, pressure at 7atm and space velocity of 0.3h-1.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
壹、前言 1
貳、原理 4
2.1 薄膜反應器的應用 4
2.2 薄膜分類 4
2.3 無機薄膜 5
2.3.1 無機薄膜分離機制 5
2.3.2 無機薄膜構造 7
2.3.3 無機薄膜分離程序 8
2.4 鈀金屬特性 9
2.4.1 鈀合金膜氣體滲透行為 10
2.4.1-1 氣體於孔洞基材的傳送機制 10
2.4.1-2 氫氣於緻密鈀膜的傳送機制 12
2.4.2 鈀金屬的氫脆現象 14
2.4.3 氫氣在鈀及鈀銀合金膜的擴散與溶解 17
2.5 鈀合金薄膜製備方法 19
2.5.1 化學氣相沈積法(chemical vapor deposition,CVD) 20
2.5.2 濺鍍法(sputtering) 20
2.5.3 噴霧裂解法(spray pyrolysis) 21
2.5.4 電鍍法(electroplating) 23
2.5.5 無電鍍法(electroless plating) 24
2.6 影響鈀合金膜活性之因素 29
2.7 膜反應器的類型 29
2.8 鈀銀合金膜管之滲透分析 31
2.9 降低氫氣逆滲透(back-permeation)之方法 32
參、實驗方法 34
3.1 實驗藥品、管材及氣體 34
3.2 儀器 36
3.2.1 分析儀器 36
3.2.2 其他儀器 36
3.3 實驗步驟: 38
3.3.1 鈀銀合金膜管之滲透分析(H2/N2) 38
3.3.2 甲烷水蒸氣重組反應 42
3.3.2-1 鈀銀合金膜反應器進行甲烷水蒸氣重組實驗 42
3.3.2-2 傳統反應器進行甲烷水蒸氣重組實驗 44
3.3.2-3 鈀銀合金膜反應之空白實驗 44
3.3.3 甲烷水蒸氣重組反應產物分析 44
肆、結果與討論 47
4.1 氫氣滲透行為 47
4.1.1 氫氣在鈀膜中的透過行為 47
4.1.2 選擇率及活化能 48
4.2 利用鈀銀合金膜反應器進行甲烷水蒸氣重組實驗 51
4.2.1 操作參數對甲烷轉化率的影響 51
4.2.1-1 操作溫度的影響: 51
4.2.1-2 反應壓力的影響 54
4.2.1-3 WHSV(weight hourly space velocity) 的影響 57
4.2.1-4 水與甲烷莫耳比 (nH2O/nCH4) 的影響 59
4.2.1-5 操作參數與甲烷轉化率之比較 60
4.2.2 氫氣移出率 62
4.2.3 CO產率的比較 66
4.3 積碳的形成 67
伍、結論 74
陸、建議 76
柒、附錄 77
7.1 甲烷水蒸氣重組可能出現的反應方程式 77
7.2 實驗數據定義 78
7.3 計算理論平衡轉化率 79
捌、參考文獻 84
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