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研究生(外文):Jing-cheng Bai
論文名稱(外文):Dedusting of Circulating Granular Bed Filters
指導教授(外文):Shu-yii Wu
外文關鍵詞:granular bed filterdust collection efficiencyparticle sizesolids mass flow ratelouver anglebed material attrition
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在上昇管管口與多管式顆粒床之床質分散板研究結果顯示,在相同操作氣速下,上昇管管口高度與直徑所組成的外觀比,如果越大則上昇管管口的操作壽命也跟著增長。當床質初始平均粒徑dp0 = 420 mm時,有較高的操作壽命。儲存槽內多孔分散板各孔口總平均的床質質量流率,並不會隨床質在儲槽內的高度降低而有明顯改變。在相同孔徑下,不同分散板構型與孔口數,對各孔口床質質量流率的影響則不明顯。旋風式氣固分離器裝置,使顆粒床有較高的除塵效率與壓力降。這是因為旋風式氣固分離器,捕集較多的磨損顆粒,使床質空隙度較為緊密。
在二維循環式顆粒床除塵研究中發現,二維循環式顆粒床床質顆粒,在上昇式快速流化床管內受高速氣體衝擊,導致顆粒相互碰撞,造成床質磨損現象。顆粒床檔板角度各為300及200時,床質質量流率分別為21.50 ± 0.11 g/s 與 30.51 ± 0.57 g/s,有較高的除塵效率。在相同床質質量流率與初始床質粒徑操作條件下,顆粒床檔板角度300時,有最高的除塵效率。床質質量流率越慢時,顆粒床內的壓降也跟著增加。
由循環式顆粒床除塵實驗的數據顯示,除塵效率增加時顆粒床內壓力降也會隨著增加,當初始床質平均粒徑為dp0 = 795mm,床質質量流率為B = 17.08 ± 0.48 g/s時,並且使用旋風式氣固分離器有最高的除塵效率(99.56%) 與最低的平均粉塵出口濃度(Cout = 106.72 ppmw)。床質空隙度與粉塵結塊對於循環式顆粒床除塵效率及壓力降的影響扮演極為重要的角色。循環式顆粒床的除塵效率,可藉氣固分離器裝置對於床質磨損顆粒捕集的設計來改善,使顆粒床有較高的除塵效率。
The first object of the investigation elucidates the apparatus of the riser of nozzle-type inlet and the multi-channel distributor in the granular bed filter. The design of the bed material inlet system in the circulating granular fluidized bed filter and the relative parameters were discussed such as the different inner diameters of nozzle-type inlet, the heights of nozzle-type inlet, particle sizes and solids mass flow rates. The different multi-channel distributors were analyzed to find suitable design for design of multi-channel granular bed filter applications. Then, a two-dimensional Circulating Granular Bed Filter (CGBF) was setup for the investigation of the dedusting of flue gas. The dust collection efficiency and pressure drop were analyzed to determine suitable operating conditions. Eventually, a novel circulating granular bed filter with conical louver plates (CGBF-CLPs) was designed to remove dust particulates.
The experimental results showed that the different nozzle-type inlet influenced the solids mass flow rates in the same gas velocity. The riser of fast-fluidized bed had longer operation time with an increased of the aspect ratio of the inlet height and diameter. In addition, when the initial average collector particle size was 420 mm, the nozzle-type inlet had much longer operation life. In the investigation of multi-channel distributors, the results showed that the different numbers of hole did not affect the bed material flow rates in the same holes diameter. The height of bed material in the hopper did not affect the bed material flow rates too.
In the two-dimensional Circulating Granular Bed Filter (CGBF), the experimental results showed a higher dust collection efficiency occurs when the solids mass flow rates were 21.50 ± 0.11 g/s and 30.51 ± 0.57 g/s at louver angles of 300 and 200 respectively. One of the best dust collection efficiency was found at a louver angle of 300 in the same solids mass flow rate and initial average collector particle size.
In the circulating granular bed filter with conical louver plates (CGBF-CLPs), experimental results showed that the highest dust collection efficiency and lowest dust concentration were 99.59% and 106.72 ppmw respectively when the solid mass flow rate was 17.08 ± 0.48 g/s and initial average collector particle size was 795 mm with the cyclone type separator. Bed voidage and dust cake played important roles in the effects of dust collection efficiency and pressure drop. The dust collection efficiency of the CGBF-CLPs system can be improved by paying attention to the separator which collects the fines from the attrition of collector particles.
The data were analyzed to build-up the model of multi-channel granular bed filter for commercial scale applications in the future. A granular bed filter of suitable design will increase the fuel to energy efficiency and decrease the cost of the equipments, the waste of energy resources, and environmental pollution.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
1-1 高溫燃煤系統中除塵技術與設備…………………………….1
1-2 顆粒床氣體淨化技術…………………………….............4
1-3 研究動機與目的……………………………………………….7
1-4 研究架構與內容……………………………………………….7
第二章 原理與文獻回顧……………………………………………..10
2-1 顆粒床種類…………………………………………………….10
2-1-1 固定式顆粒床………………………………………….10
2-1-2 移動式顆粒床………………………………………….12
2-1-3 循環式顆粒床………………………………………….29
2-2 顆粒床過濾機構……………………………………………….31
2-2-1 擴散…………………………………………………….32
2-2-2 阻攔…………………………………………………….33
2-2-3 慣性衝擊……………………………………………….34
2-2-4 重力沉降……………………………………………….35
2-3 除塵效率與壓力降…………………………………………….36
2-3-1 顆粒床除塵效率……………………………………….36
2-3-2 顆粒床壓力降………………………………………….46
2-4 顆粒間作用力………………………………………………….49
2-5 顆粒床質磨損………………………………………………….49
2-5-1 床質物性對磨損之影響……………………………….51
2-5-2 操作條件對磨損之影響……………………………….51
2-6 床質與粉塵粒徑分類………………………………………….53
2-7 循環式顆粒床除塵系統……………………………………….56
2-7-1 床質顆粒儲存槽分散板……………………………….56
2-7-2 上昇管粉體輸送……………………………………….58
2-7-3 氣固分離器…………………………………………….63
第三章 上昇管管口及床質儲存槽分散板之探討…………………..65
3-1-1 前言…………………………………………………....65
3-1-2 實驗設備與方法……………………………………....66
3-1-2-1 實驗設備………………………………………66
3-1-2-2 實驗流程與操作條件……………………....69
3-1-3 結果與討論…………………………………………....70
3-1-3-1 床質粒徑對床質質量流率之影響…………….70
3-1-3-2 錐形管口高度對床質質量流率之影響……….71
3-1-3-3 上昇管管口直徑對床質質量流率之影響…….73
3-1-3-4 上昇管管口操作可容許時間之比較………….74
3-1-3-5 上昇管管口操作可容許時間之預測經驗公式.76
3-1-4 小結…………………………………………………....77
3-2 床質儲存槽床質分散板之探討……………………………….78
3-2-1 前言………………………………………………………78
3-2-2 實驗設備與方法……………………………………….78
3-2-2-1 實驗設備…………………………………….78
3-2-2-2 實驗流程與操作條件……………………….81
3-2-3 結果與討論…………………………………………….81
3-2-3-1 儲料高度對床質質量流率之影響………….81
3-2-3-2 分散板構型對床質質量流率之影響……….82
3-2-3-3 孔數對床質質量流率之影響……………….83
3-2-4 小結…………………………………………………….84
第四章 二維循環式顆粒床之除塵與壓力降………………………..85
4-1 前言…………………………………………………………….85
4-2 實驗設備與方法……………………………………………….85
4-2-1 實驗設備……………………………………………….85
4-2-2 實驗流程與操作條件………………………………….94
4-2-2-1 粉塵氣體製造……………………………….94
4-2-2-2 床質質量流率量測………………………….95
4-2-2-3 粉塵收集與壓力偵測……………………….95
4-3 結果與討論…………………………………………………….97
4-3-1 粉塵燃氣製造………………………………………….97
4-3-1-1 操作氣速對粉塵濃度之影響……………….98
4-3-1-2 矽砂與粉塵混合比例對粉塵濃度之影響….99
4-3-1-3 最佳操作時間之探討………………………100
4-3-2 床質質量流率控制……………………………………104
4-3-2-1 床質粒徑對床質質量流率之影響…………104
4-3-2-2 檔板角度對床質質量流率之影響…………106
4-3-3 除塵效率………………………………………………108
4-3-3-1 床質磨損對除塵效率之影響………………108
4-3-3-2 床質質量流率對除塵效率之影響…………113
4-3-3-3 檔板角度對除塵效率之影響………………114
4-3-3-4 床質粒徑對除塵效率之影響………………117
4-3-4 壓力降…………………………………………………119
4-3-4-1 二維循環式顆粒床壓力分析………………119
4-3-4-2 床質質量流率對壓力降之影響……………120
4-3-4-3 檔板角度對壓力降之影響…………………122
4-3-4-4 床質粒徑對壓力降之影響…………………123
4-4 小結…………………………………………………………..125
第五章 循環式顆粒床除塵與壓力降……………………………….127
5-1 前言…………………………………………………………..127
5-2 實驗設備與方法……………………………………………..127
5-2-1 實驗設備………………………………………………127
5-2-2 實驗流程與操作條件…………………………………135
5-2-2-1 粉塵燃氣製造………………………………135
5-2-2-2 床質質量流率………………………………135
5-2-2-3 粉塵收集與壓力偵測………………………136
5-3 結果與討論…………………………………………………..138
5-3-1-1 螺旋進料器轉速對粉塵濃度之影響………138
5-3-2-1 噴嘴氣速對床質質量流率之影響…………140
5-3-2-2 粒徑對床質質量流率之影響………………141
5-3-3 除塵效率………………………………………………142
5-3-3-1 床質質量流率對除塵效率之影響…………142
5-3-3-2 床質粒徑對除塵效率之影響………………144
5-3-4 壓力降…………………………………………………146
5-3-4-1 平均壓力降對除塵效率之影響…………..146
5-3-4-2 床質質量流率對壓力降之影響……………147
5-3-4-3 床質粒徑對壓力降之影響…………………148
5-3-5 氣固分離器……………………………………………150
5-3-5-1 氣固分離器對顆粒床除塵效率之影響……150
5-3-5-2 氣固分離器對顆粒床內壓力降之影響……152
5-4 小結…………………………………………………………..153
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………….156
6-1 結論…………………………………………………………..156
6-1-1 上昇管管口設計………………………………………156
6-1-2 床質儲存槽分散板設計………………………………157
6-1-3 氣固分離器設計………………………………………157
6-1-4 二維循環式顆粒床除塵與壓力降之探討……………157
6-1-5 上昇管循環式顆粒床除塵與壓力降之探討…………158
6-2 未來研究方向建議…………………………………………..158
附錄一 高純度石英砂與煤灰粉塵密度測定……………………….179
附錄二 粉塵粒徑之測定…………………………………………….183
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吳石乙 編,粉粒體技術,逢甲大學,1999。


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