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研究生(外文):Chih-Hao Lai
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Vehicle Routing Planning with Tabu Search Algorithm for Home Delivery
指導教授(外文):Da-Jie Lin
外文關鍵詞:HeuristicsTabu SearchRoute PlanningHome Delivery
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本研究將探討宅配車輛之路線巡迴問題(VRP),並且考慮時窗限制下之路線規劃研究,規劃求解設計是利用已知資訊先進行靜態車輛路線規劃問題解,依已知需求點規劃車輛行駛路線,藉由禁制搜尋法(Tuba Search, TS)改善路線起始解,進而獲得最佳車輛配送路線,而在車輛開始巡迴後針對動態的需求以及臨時取消的需求進行即時規劃,在符合時窗限制下以最短的巡迴路徑營運來節省營運路線成本、提升服務績效。
由於實際宅配配送由宅配工程師所屬之責任分區負責規劃,因此本研究只考慮單一場站及單一責任分區來規劃配送路線,研究方法在時窗限制為軟性時窗限制(Soft Time Windows),而在設計上一般客戶採上、下午兩大時段規劃而契約客戶則賦予個別特定時窗限制,以符合實際之配送方式,而路線規劃求解採三階段設計,前兩階段為靜態路線規劃,第三階段為動態路線規劃,第一階段初始解建構階段先利用最近鄰點法(Nearest Neighbor Heuristics, NNH)將需求點作初始可行解的規劃,此方法類似宅配工程師規劃之經驗法則,以此方法快速取得初始解,再於第二階段之路線改善階段利用禁制搜尋法(TS)作為改善解的規劃,而交換法分別利用Swap交換法及Or-Opt交換法擬出四種混合策略模式作為禁制搜尋法之核心交換法做測試比較,評選出為兩次改善策略最佳決策模式,而第三階段則在有即時需求產生時進行動態規劃,實驗證實透過此模式路線成本節省可達到約40%之改善效果,最後將最佳模式以實際路網進行實證分析仍可獲得約20%的成本節省改善效果。
Recently, as the virtual approach is developing, such as electric business and TV shopping, etc. The form of product transfer is changing from traditional way into Home delivery. The traditional transportation transfers a large number of products to specific selling places or retailers, etc. And Home delivery is transfer a small number of products to customer. It is getting important to Home Delivery of domestic market, and it makes traditional transportation industry transfer to keep up with the market changes.
The study discusses the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) of home delivery car and Consider the constraint of Time Window to offer a Home Delivery assignment model. The design of planning is using known information to solve static VRP and improve initial solution by Tabu Search algorithm to obtain optimal delivery path. After operating car start delivery, we focus dynamic or canceling demands to start real time planning. We plan the shortest path Under Time window to save the routing cost and operate efficiently.
The practical Home Delivery is planning by sales driver whose duty area, so the study only consider one depot and one duty area to plan the delivery path. The method of research in time constraint is soft time windows and separate in morning and afternoon two times to fit in practical operation. In route planning, we design three stage planning. First two stages plan static demands and the third stage plans dynamic demands. Stage 1: Using the Nearest Neighborhood Heuristics to construct initial solution. Stage 2: Using Tabu Search algorithm to improve initial solution. The local search engine we use swap and op-opt interchange methods to make four alternatives and test in experimental design. After test, we choose the optimal alternative which is two times improving method to improve initial solution. Stage 3: As the real time demands occur, we start dynamic route planning improving.
After experimental design test, we find out in this way it can be almost reached 40% cost down improving effect. We put the optimal model into actual network to analyze and it also can be reached 20% cost down improving effect.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究範圍 4
1.4問題描述 4
1.5研究目的 6
1.6研究流程 6
第二章 問題定義與文獻回顧 8
2.1問題定義 8
2.2文獻回顧 12
2.2.1車輛途程規劃問題 12
2.2.2旅行者銷售員問題 19
2.2.3啟發式解法 22
第三章 研究方法 36
3.1 DPDTSPTW之解題架構 36
3.2 建構數學模式 37
3.2.1 基本假設 38
3.2.2 決策變數與參數定義 38
3.2.3 PDTSPTW數學模式 39
3.2.4 DPDTSPTW數學模式 40
3.3 啟發式解法之設計 42
3.3.1起始路線規劃階段 42
3.3.2路線改善階段與改善策略 43
3.3.3動態路線規劃階段 44
第四章 實驗設計與測試分析 46
4.1實驗設計與說明 46
4.1.1實驗設計流程 46
4.1.2簡易範例設計 46
4.1.3相關參數設定與假設說明 48
4.2實驗設計測試 48
4.2.1路線建構階段 49
4.2.2路線改善階段 53
4.2.3動態路線規劃階段 61
第五章 實證分析 66
5.1實證範例說明 66
5.2靜態解求解結果分析 67
5.2.1上午時段求解分析 67
5.2.2下午時段求解分析 70
5.2.3上、下午時段合併分析 72
5.3動態解求解結果分析 73
5.3.1動態資料說明 73
5.3.2動態需求求解分析 74
第六章 結論與建議 82
6.1結論 82
6.2建議 83
參考文獻 85
附錄一 89
附錄二 104
附錄三 111
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