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研究生(外文):Yueh-Lin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):In-Plane and Off-Plane Band Structures of Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals
指導教授(外文):Ya-Chih Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Photonic CrystalPlane-Wave ExpansionBand StructureOff-plane AngleSpontaneous Emission
  • 被引用被引用:3
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本文中,我們使用平面波展開法(plane-wave expansion)計算二維光子晶體能帶結構。我們探討了倒晶格點選取法與晶格對稱性之間的關係,以及對於能帶結構正確性的影響,證實了最近鄰選取法是二維光子晶體系統最通用的平面波選取方式。我們也研究了能隙地圖的繪製過程,及其配合實際製程的使用方法。對於在二維光子晶體中傳遞的電磁波而言,實際的波向量多半具有垂直週期平面的分量,週期平面能帶結構(in-plane band structure)提供的資訊十分有限,因此我們也針對具有應用潛力的系統如三角晶格和蜂巢晶格,進一步計算出離面能帶結構(off-plane band structure),並分析能隙位置與波向量離面分量kz的關係,以掌握完整的能態分佈。同時,我們提出一個修正有效折射係數模型(modified effective refraction index model),以計算能隙與離面角之間的關係,藉以獲得二維光子晶體的禁制角度分佈(distribution of forbidden angles),以協助光子晶體相關元件的設計或改良,如光子晶體發光二極體(photonic-crystal light-emitting diode, PC-LED)在發光效率的表現。
In this thesis, we employed the plane-wave expansion method to study the in-plane and off-plane band structures of two-dimensional photonic crystals (2DPCs). We have studied the relation between the distribution of the chosen reciprocal lattice points and the symmetry of the lattice and its influence on the band structures. We concluded that the closest reciprocal vector scheme is valid for various 2DPCs. We also explored the making of the photonic gap map and its application on the fabrication of 2DPCs. In most cases, lights propagating in 2DPCs are not necessarily confined to the plane of periodicity. The off-plane photonic band structure is therefore indispensable for analyzing the real optical properties of related systems. We calculated and analyzed the photonic band gaps at different off-plane components of wave vectors. We have also proposed the modified effective refraction index model in order to locate the band gaps at different off-plane angle. The distribution of forbidden angles obtained in this way may be helpful in designing and improving the performance of photonic crystal-related light emitting devices.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 導論 1
1.1光子晶體簡介 1
1.2光子晶體應用 2
1.3章節概述 5
第二章 光子能帶結構理論 7
2.1光子晶體理論推導 7
2.2二維光子晶體能帶結構 12
第三章 二維光子晶體週期平面能帶結構 17
3.1平面波選取法之修正 17
3.1.1三角晶格 17
3.1.2蜂巢晶格 23
3.2能隙地圖 26
3.2.1能隙地圖的用途 27
3.2.2能隙地圖繪製法 28
第四章 二維光子晶體離面能帶結構 35
4.1離面能帶結構 35
4.1.1三角晶格 36
4.1.2蜂巢晶格 39
4.2能隙與離面角度之關係 41
4.2.1有效折射係數模型 42
4.2.2新有效折射係數模型 44
4.2.3修正有效折射係數模型 46
第五章 結語 51
參考文獻 53
附錄一、圓柱組成之三角晶格離面能帶結構Fortran90程式碼 55
附錄二、圓柱組成之蜂巢晶格離面能帶結構Fortran90程式碼 64
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