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研究生(外文):Hao-cheng Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Arterial Compliance by Noninvasive Measuring Methods
指導教授(外文):Albert C. Lin
外文關鍵詞:blood pressurecompliancecompliance circuit model
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The arterial compliance is an indicator of arteriosclerosis. It is defined as the ratio of the variation of arterial vessel diameter and the blood pressure. Although there are many different approaches in measuring the blood vessel compliance, the present study proposes two alternative methods: one is to improve the control-based measurement method, and the other is to develop a model-based estimation method.
In control-based method, the measuring instrument includes two pressure sensors, one displacement sensor, and one actuator. The first pressure sensor is set to measure the upstream blood pressure, and the second one for downstream pressure. The rear of the second one is connected with an actuator, and a displacement sensor is attached inside the actuator for measuring the displacement of the actuator. When the diameter of blood vessel produces variation, the actuator will track the downstream pressure signal by lightly contacting with skin. Then the variation of diameter of blood vessel is the same as the displacement of the actuator, but the pressure signal is lost at the same time. Therefore, in the near distance, assuming the downstream blood pressure is identical to the upstream pressure, and then the corresponding compliance is plotted by both of pressure and displacement signals.
The model-based estimation method is verified by animal experiment in vivo. The mathematic model is composed of the tissue and vessel from skin to the femur, which is then expressed by compliance circuit model. The model uses skin blood pressure, arterial blood pressure, and reference pressure estimated by electric sphygmomanometer to calculate the nonlinear compliance of blood vessel.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2國內外相關研究 1
1.3研究目的與動機 3
1.4本文架構 5
第二章 動物實驗 6
2.1活體實驗簡介 6
2.2活體動物實驗 6
2.2.1實驗敘述 6
2.2.2實驗動物處理 6
2.2.3實驗儀器設備與試劑 7
2.2.4實驗方法 8
2.3活體實驗量測結果與分析 12
第三章 控制量測法 16
3.1控制量測法介紹 16
3.2壓電致動器原理 19
3.2.1 壓電致動器簡介 19
3.2.2 遲滯現象 19
3.2.3遲滯補償 22
3.3模型模糊控制法則 25
3.4遲滯模糊觀察器設計 28
3.5控制器驗證 31
3.4.1控制器設計 31
3.4.2模糊觀察器設計程序 34
3.4.3軟體驗證 36
3.4.4硬體驗證 39
3.4.5順應性量測儀 43
3.6橈動脈順應性實驗1 44
第四章 脈壓傳遞模型 47
4.1物理模型 47
4.2直流等效模型 49
4.3交流等效模型 49
4.4組織等效模型 50
4.5模型驗證結果 51
4.6模型估測法 57
4.7橈動脈順應性實驗2 59
第五章 結論 61
參考文獻 62
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