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研究生(外文):Ching-Ju Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Heat Treatment on The Physical Properties of PAN-based Activated Carbon Fabric Electrode of Electric-Double Layer Capacitor
指導教授(外文):Tse-Hao Ko
外文關鍵詞:Activated carbon fabric electrodeElectro-double layer capacitor
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Activated carbon fiber is a good electrode material, because of its advantages, such as, high specific surface area, excellent conductivity, low cost, and under the operation of voltage, the circuit will not to be collapsed or has extra reaction. In this experiment, PAN-based activated carbon fiber fabric is modified in different heat treatment. The influence of carbonization on its microstructure and physical properties is going to be discussed. According to these properties change, I’ll study the relation to the double layer efficiency.
The experimental results show that material intrinsic density and conductivity increase because the rising treatment temperature makes the rearrangement of graphite layer become closer. According to the observation of FE-SEM, we can find that material surface contains many pores, and utilizes these pores to adsorb the ion of electrolyte and achieve goal of storage electron. And then it contrast with changes of BET specific surface area and ESCA surface contained oxygen functional group. The result shows that the electrical resistivity decreased from 24.01Ω/□ to 1.95Ω/□ and the IR drop improved 74% with treatment temperature reaches 1300℃, but the specific surface area decreased from 1350m2/g to 1067m2/g. With the carbon containment raised to 97wt%, the oxygen functional groups became less. Consequently, the capacitance declined from 120F/g to 90F/g and the discharge capacitance declined from 134F/g to 73F/g.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III

第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧與理論說明 5
2.1活性碳的發展 5
2.2活性碳纖維的製備 7
2.2.1物理活化 7
2.2.1化學活化 8
2.3熱處理溫度與導電性質的關係 9
2.4吸附理論 10
2.4.1 Langmuir等溫吸附 11
2.4.2 BET等溫吸附 12
2.4.3 t-plot的分析 12
2.4.4 物理吸附等溫曲線圖 13
2.5超級電容器 16
2.5.1電雙層的基本觀念與結構 16
2.5.2電雙層的模型 17
2.5.3 電極材料與電解液 20
2.5.4 影響電容量的因素 22
2.6 電化學測試方法 24
2.6.1循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry) 24
2.6.2 充放電測試法(charge/discharge test) 27
第三章 實驗步驟 28
3.1 實驗流程 28
3.2 實驗設備與材料 29
3.3 實驗方法 29
3.4 實驗測試 30
第四章 實驗結果與討論 35
4.1材料性質分析 35
4.1.1表面電阻量測 35
4.1.2元素分析 36
4.1.3真密度測試 37
4.1.4拉曼光譜分析 38
4.1.5 FE-SEM微結構觀察與分析 40
4.1.6 BET比表面積測試與孔徑分析 43
4.1.7 XRD微結構分析 46
4.1.8 ESCA表面官能基分析 47
4.2 電化學分析 50
4.2.1循環伏安測試 50
4.2.2直流充放電測試 53
4.2.3 IR drop 54
第五章 結論 56
(一)熱處理對材料物性的探討 56
(二)熱處理後對電雙層電容器性能的探討 57
(三)未來研究方向 58
參考文獻 59
附錄 63
誌謝 76
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