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研究生(外文):Wei-yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The electrochemical properties of bias co-sputtered Cu6Sn5 thin film anodes
指導教授(外文):Kun-ming Lin
外文關鍵詞:negative biasco-sputteringsurface coatingCu6Sn5
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本研究選擇具高體積電容量、庫倫效率佳的銅錫介金屬合金作為薄膜電池負極材料,藉由雙靶磁控共濺鍍沉積Cu6Sn5薄膜負極,並導入一臨場負偏壓,現場調控薄膜表面型態及改變結晶特性,進而達到臨場改質(in-situ modification),成功地開發出高電容量及高循環能力之負極薄膜材料,並有效大幅度提升其薄膜電化學特性。研究中發現,在雙靶共濺鍍的電漿干擾及陽極遮罩作用下,減少了基座上的電流(離子通量),降低電漿能量及密度,促使銅錫原子不易發生孕核、晶粒成長,因而有極細小的奈米晶粒(~10nm);接著於基座導入一臨場負偏壓(0VDC ~150VDC),探討基座上電流與負偏壓之關聯性,暸解於負偏壓沉積下,電漿特性的不同。在電化學之研究中,將針對不同臨場負偏壓所造成薄膜表面型態的差異,對於Cu6Sn5薄膜電池在充放電循環(life time)下有何影響;在適當負偏壓100VDC的離子轟擊作用下,改善薄膜緻密性,造成部份相轉變和充放電機制,在長期充放電循環下,發揮極佳電化學特性;而過高負偏壓(150VDC)造成過強能量的離子轟擊,迫使薄膜產生相轉變,展現出高溫相之充放電行為;並針對體積變化率造成0VDC循環能力不佳的缺點,進行表面銅鍍層修飾,有效的緩衝體積變化的應力作用,展現了極佳循環能力,維持一穩定放電平台,於50次循環之後,仍有高達2360mAh/mL之體積電容量。
Cu6Sn5 thin film anodes were prepared by using magnetron co-sputtering technique. In-situ substrate bias was applied to modify the surface morphology and crystallography of thin films, resulting in different electrochemical properties. The thin films crystallinity can be well controlled under precise substrate bias. Films deposited without substrate bias showed -Cu6Sn5 phase, with nanosized particles on the surface. The bias induced ion bombardment has resulted in structural evolution. As a negative bias of 150VDC during deposition, an -Cu6Sn5 phase formed, which was then confirmed by postcycled x-ray diffraction spectra. The electrochemical properties of thin film anodes deposited under various conditions were measured and compared. The un-bias deposited anodes showed high discharge capacity but exhibited 50% capacity fading after 50 charge-discharge cycles. The 150VDC bias deposited anodes show the lower initial reversible capacity, which however was stable during cycling test. The Copper surface coating with 10nm was deposited on the 0VDC films, and the cycling properties of 0VDC thin film anodes were improved significantly.
1.1 薄膜電池概論……………………………………………………….….1
1.2 研究動機………………………………………….………………….…3
2.1 鋰離子二次電池的起源與簡介………………………………………..5
  2.1.1 鋰電池....................………………………………………...……..5
2.1.2 鋰離子二次電池………………………………………...………..6
2.2 負極材料………………………………………………………………..9
2.2.1 石墨碳材………………………………………………...………..9
2.2.2 錫基負極材料………………………………………...……........12
2.2.3 鋰合金材料…………………………………………………...…16
3.1 實驗流程………………………………………………………………32
3.2 薄膜試片製備…………………………………………………………33
3.3 電漿診斷………………………………………………………………34
3.3.1 基座電流電壓之量測……………………………………...……34
3.4 材料分析與量測技術…………………………………………………35
3.4.1感應耦合電漿原子放射光譜儀(Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer)................................................35
3.4.2 低掠角X光繞射儀(Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffractometer) ...35
3.4.3 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope) …….…….36
3.4.4 薄膜厚度之量測…………………………………………..…….37
3.5 電池元件組裝與電化學分析………………………………………....37
3.5.1 負極之電極製作………………………………………………...37
3.5.2 鈕扣型電池之組裝……………………………………………...38
3.5.3 電池充放電性能測試…………………………………………...38
3.5.4 循環伏安測試…………………………………………………...39
4.1 電漿量測………………………………………………………………45
4.1.1 基座電漿量測………………………………………………...…45
4.2 膜厚量測……………………………………………………….……...46
4.3 結晶結構………………………………………………………….…...47
4.3.1 基座負偏壓之影響……………………………………………...47
4.4 微結構與表面型態……………………………………………………48
4.4.1 負偏壓之表面型態…………………………………………...…48
4.6 銅錫負極薄膜之電化學行為…………………………………………51
4.6.1 充放電性質……………………………………………………….51
4.6.2 氧化還原反應………………………………………………..…...52
4.6.3 電池循環壽命…………………………………………………….53
4.7 銅錫薄膜負極之表面改質……………………………………............57
4.7.1 複合薄膜之結晶結構與表面型態………………………..….......57
4.7.2 複合薄膜之電化學行為…………………………………….........58
4.7.3 複合薄膜之循環壽命……………………………………….........59
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