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研究生(外文):Po-Jen Chu
論文名稱(外文):Carbon-film modified stainless steels as PEMFC bipolar plate
指導教授(外文):Shi-kun Chen
外文關鍵詞:Carbon-film modified stainless steels as PEMFC b
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在本實驗中以AISI 304 不鏽鋼作為金屬基板,採用濺鍍法沈積
鎳層於基板上,再用高溫化學氣相沈積法(thermal CVD)沈積碳膜,
利用鎳膜的觸媒特性,提昇碳膜石墨化程度。CVD 製程中以乙炔做
為反應氣體,並混合氫氣做為載流氣體,利用SEM、Raman 光譜與
溫度在700oC 時碳膜品質最為優異。而試片披覆碳膜後抗腐蝕性增
Main functions of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)
include electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, mechanical strength,
chemical stability, and density. As a substitute for costly graphite bipolar
plates, our studies focus on stainless-steel bipolar plates. Carbon-film
stainless steel has obvious advantages like excellent corrosion resistance
(comparable to that of graphite), high electric/thermal conductivity, low
cost, smaller volume, and great strength.
Nickel is known as an effective catalyst for the graphitization of
amorphous carbon. Nickel layer was applied to AISI 304 stainless steel
by magnetron sputtering, then carbon film deposited on this nickel layer
by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Acetylene served as carbon source,
argon and hydrogen as carrier gases in the CVD process. Properties of the
film were evaluated with grazing incident energy dispersive spectrometer
(EDS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), electrochemical analyzer,
and Raman spectroscope. Test results proved that higher carrier gas flow
rate promoted density of thin carbon film. Using C2H2/H2 mixture gases
with flow-rate ratio of 9/20, the carbon film demonstrated continuous
morphology and provided better resistances to corrosion.
表目錄………………………………………………………………… XII
1.1 研究背景…………………………………………………….………1
1.2 燃料電池簡介…………………………………………………….…3
1.3 動機與目的………………………………………………………….6
2.1 燃料電池原理與種類……………………………………………….9
2.2 高分子電解質膜燃料電池雙極板………………………………...20
2.2.1 雙極板特性……………………………………………………..20
2.2.2 雙極板的種類與發展…………………………………………..23
2.3 觸媒催化…………………………………………………………...30
2.3.1 觸媒原理………………………………………………………..32
2.3.2 觸媒催化石墨化………………………………………………..34
逢甲大學e-Thesys( 94 V 學年度)
2.4 鍍膜技術…………………………………………………………...39
2.4.1 濺鍍原理………………………………………………………..39
2.4.2 磁控濺鍍………………………………………………………..43
2.4.3 直流磁控濺鍍…………………………………………………..43
2.4.4 化學氣相沈積…………………………………………………..45
2.4.5 高溫化學氣相沈積……………………………………………..51
2.5 腐蝕電化學………………………………………………………...51
2.5.1 腐蝕之機構……………………………………………………..52
2.5.2 極化曲線探討…………………………………………………..53
3.1 實驗流程…………………………………………………………57
3.2 實驗設備及樣品製作…………………………………………..58
3.2.1 基材之選擇……………………………………………………..58
3.2.2 基板之準備與清洗……………………………………………..58
3.2.3 濺渡系統………………………………………………………..60
3.2.4 濺渡Ni催化層…………………………………………………..61
3.2.5 CVD系統………………………………………………………..62
3.2.6 沈積碳膜………………………………………………………..63
3.3 分析與量測………………………………………………………...65
逢甲大學e-Thesys( 94 VI 學年度)
3.3.1 鍍率量測………………………………………………………..65
3.3.2 XRD結構分析…………………………………………………..66
3.3.3 拉曼光譜分析............. ... ... ... ... ... ............................................66
3.3.4 SEM 觀察表面型態……………………………………………..67
3.3.5 腐蝕電化學分析………………………………………………..67
3.3.6 電阻量測………………………………………………………..68
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 不同氣體來源進行反應之表面型態……………………………...69
4.1.1 以甲烷做為氣體來源之表面型態……………………………..69
4.2 以乙炔做為氣體來源之碳膜型態………………………………...71
4.2.1 基板之高溫變化………………………………………………..71
4.2.2 不同溫度對碳膜沈積之影響…………………………………..74
4.2.3 沉積不同碳膜厚度對表面型態與結晶結構影響……………..78 表面型態差異………………………………………………78
4.3 通入氫氣混合不同流量乙炔以及不同沈積時間對碳膜的影響...81
4.3.1 氫氣與混合不同流量乙炔……………………………………..81
4.3.2 表面型態差異…………………………………………………..82
4.3.3 石墨含量的比較………………………………………………..90
4.3.4 表面成份分析…………………………………………………..92
逢甲大學e-Thesys( 94 VII 學年度)
4.3.5 電阻值比較……………………………………………………..93
4.3.6 不同條件沉積碳膜對腐蝕性影響……………………………..94
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………..104
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