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研究生(外文):Wu-Laing Miu
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Spring Preloaded Bearings on the Machine Tool Spindle Design
指導教授(外文):Chih-I Chu
外文關鍵詞:Spring PreloadStatic StiffnessThermal expansion
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In the field of HSM, high-speed spindle plays an important role. The amount of bearing preload has a direct effect on spindle rigidity and its maximum rpm. Therefore in the design of spindle, bearing preload must be carefully considered based on rigidity and maximum rpm. In terms of high-speed spindle, since temperature rise will cause the preload amount to increase, the Large O type bearing arrangement is used together with springs in order to maintain the preload amount. The Large O type bearing arrangement has a better load capacity in the axial direction.
This research describes a mechanism of springs that can be adjusted and replaced externally. Based on the external spring adjustment (K, F), the spring size required to generate preload is theoretically selected. The required spring load to contribute to 12~15o temperature rise is then determined through experiment. Subsequently, using the various K values of spring under the same bearing preload, the effect of spindle temperature rise, elongation, static rigidity, and resonance frequency are experimented and observed. Meanwhile, the displacement distance of rear bearing housing due to temperature rise is measured, and the variation of bearing preload is analyzed.
誌謝 …………………………………………………………ii
第一章 緒論………………………………………………….1
1-1 前言………….………………………………………………1
1-2 文獻回顧 …. ………………………………………………2
1-3 研究目的及內容………………………………………………5
第二章 主軸軸承排列方式和預壓控制……………………7
2-1 斜角滾珠軸承預壓特性.……………………………………7
2-2 軸承排列及預壓方式……………..……….………………11
2-2-1 軸承排列方式…………….………………………….11
2-2-2 軸承預壓控制方法…………………….……………14
第三章 彈簧預壓主軸及調整機構設計……………….….21
3-1 彈簧預壓主軸結構與動作原理………………………….21
3-1-1 結構及動作原理說明……………………………….21
3-1-2 彈簧定壓預壓調整結構原理…………………………24
3-2 彈簧預壓主軸設計 ……………………...…………...27
3-3 彈簧預壓主軸裝配流程………...…….…………………34
第四章 彈簧預壓主軸實驗測試與結果討論…..…………42
4-1 彈簧預壓主軸溫升跑合測試……………………………44
4-2 彈簧預壓主軸溫升熱變形測試………………..……….50
4-3 彈簧預壓主軸靜剛性測試……………………………….55
4-4 彈簧預壓主軸自然頻率測試…………………………….60
第五章 結論….……………………………………………65
5-1 測試結果分析與建議………………………………………65
5-2 未來研究方向…………………………………………66
參考文獻 …………………………………………………67
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