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研究生(外文):Yi-ling Yen
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Sputter Deposition of Electrochromic Tungsten Oxide on Flexible Conductive PET Polymer
指導教授(外文):Hu-liang He
外文關鍵詞:flexibleindium tin oxidePETtungsten oxidemagnetron sputter depositionelectrochromicsheet resistance
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本研究以反應性磁控濺鍍(Reactive magnetron sputter deposition)法製備WO3電致色變層與Ta2O5離子傳導層於聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)導電軟性基板上,目的在於了解PET基板的ITO片電阻值對於Ta2O5/WO3電致色變元件之變色行為影響,以期明瞭電致色變元件發展於軟性基板之可行性。目前軟性基板因耐熱性問題造成片電阻偏高不下,而使得多數應用ITO為傳導介質之元件發展受限,本實驗藉由改變片電阻由100 Ω/□、250 Ω/□、350 Ω/□及500 Ω/□之PET軟性基板為主,並以片電阻3 Ω/□及100 Ω/□之玻璃基板為對照組,探討片電阻對於WO3變色效率與光學密度差的影響。
實驗結果顯示,片電阻對於WO3變色效率與光學密度差有非常大的影響。原因為片電阻越低具有較高的載子遷移率,當導電載子遷移率增加時可使導電載子快速遷移並與鋰離子反應而使起始著(去)色電流增加,造成WO3變色之響應時間縮短與光學密度差提高。片電阻降低會使相同電壓下之載子遷移率提高,當片電阻由500 Ω/□降低為3 Ω/□,於Ta2O5/WO3/ITO時其起始著色電流由1.7 mA提高為34.8 mA,去色電流由3.2 mA提高為57.3 mA;著色時間由43 s縮短為25 s,去色時間由26 s縮短為6 s;著色穿透度由28.8 %降低為5.1 %,光學密度差由0.46提升至1.13。本研究說明只要能有效降低軟性基板的片電阻即可使電致色變元件的變色效率大幅提高。
This study is to reveal the electrochromic behavior of tantalum oxide /tungsten oxide, coated over the top of flexible transparent conductive PET polymer via reactive magnetron sputter deposition. The sheet resistance of the transparent conductive layer was changed to understand the applicability of tantalum oxide/tungsten oxide on flexible conductive PET polymer, where its heat sensitive nature blockaded the sheet resistance of the ITO on it to a certain level. It is therefore interesting to have two types of substrate material for comparison. One is flexible conductive PET polymer, with a sheet resistance of 100 Ω/□, 250 Ω/□, 350 Ω/□ and 500 Ω/□, respectively, the other is ITO glass, with a sheet resistance of 3 Ω/□ and 100 Ω/□, respectively. The relationship between the coloring efficiency as well as optical density of the deposited tungsten oxide and the sheet resistance of the ITO layer on substrate where investigated.
Experimental results show that the sheet resistance negatively influences the coloring-bleaching efficiency and optical density change of tungsten oxide layer coating. During coloring, the ion (Li+) and electron enter tungsten oxide layer from both side of the tungsten oxide and cause coloring reaction. The ITO layer with lower sheet resistance has higher mobility providing electrons to entered tungsten oxide layer, which results in faster response and larger optical density change in tungsten oxide layer. As the sheet resistance reduces from 500 Ω/□ to 3 Ω/□, the initial current of coloring increases from 1.7 mA to 34.8 mA and the initial current of bleaching increases from 3.2 mA to 57 mA. Mean while, the response time for coloring reduces from 43 s to 25 s and the response time for bleaching reduces from 26 s to 6 s. The transmittance after coloring reduces from 28.8 % to 5.1 % and optical density change increases from 0.46 to 1.13. This study shows that the sheet resistance of the ITO coated conductive PET polymer can greatly affect electrochromic behavior of the tungsten oxide film on it, in terms of coloring-bleaching efficiency and optical density change.
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 電致色變原理
2-2 電致色變材料
2-3 電致色變元件
2-4 電致色變元件發展
2-4-1 懸浮微粒技術
2-4-2 高分子分散液晶技術
2-4-3 熱致色變技術
2-4-4 氣致色變技術
2-4-5 電泳顯示技術
2-4-6 旋轉球顯示技術
2-3 軟性元件及研究動機
第三章 實驗方法
3-1 導電基材前處理
3-2 濺鍍系統
3-3 氧化鎢電致色變層之製備
3-4 氧化鉭固態電解質層之製備
3-5 鍍層微觀組織及晶體結構分析
3-6 電致色變元件特性分析
3-6-1 霍爾效應
3-6-2 階梯響應電位分析
3-6-3 循環伏安曲線分析
3-6-4 紫外-可見光譜分析
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 鍍層微觀結構及微觀型態
4-2 導電基板片電阻對於載子濃度及遷移率之影響
4-3 導電基板片電阻對於元件階梯電位響應之影響
4-4 導電基板片電阻對於元件響應時間之影響
4-5 導電基板片電阻對於元件循環伏安特性之影響
4-6 導電基板片電阻對於元件紫外-可見光譜之影響
4-7 導電基板片電阻對於特定波長穿透度之影響
4-8 導電基板片電阻對於光學密度差之影響
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