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研究生(外文):Tze-Hsuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Enhancement of Ultrafine TiN Thin Films Against Thermal Oxidation by Lightly Doping of Aluminum
指導教授(外文):Giin-shan Chen
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本研究利用超高真空直流磁控濺鍍沉積系統,在氬氣及氮氣分壓分別固定3×10-1 Pa、2.66×10-2 Pa的反應性氣氛下,濺擊鈦靶(及鋁靶),以在熱二氧化矽(Si/SiO2)基材上,生長厚度僅20 nm之TiN及Ti0.96Al0.04N、Ti0.92Al0.08N薄膜,並對這三種薄膜試片施加恆溫(350oC~550oC)、30分鐘之氧氣熱處理,以分析Al摻雜對於薄膜抗熱氧化性之差異。
This study used reactive co-sputtering to deposit thin films of TiN and aluminum-minor-doped TiN (Ti0.96Al0.04N and Ti0.92Al0.08N) with a thickness of 20 nm on thermally oxidized SiO2 layer on p-type, (100) silicon. All the films were deposited under an optimal reactive atmosphere of fixed argon (3.0×10-1 Pa) and N2 (2.66×10-2 Pa), and were subsequently subjected to isothermal oxidized (O2) annealing at temperatures ranging from 350 to 550°C for 30 min. Doing so allows the resistance of the films against oxidization to be analyzed using x-ray diffraction (XRD), sheet-resistance measurement, second ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HR-XPS), and x-ray reflection measurements.
After annealing at 450°C, TiN thin film was partially transformed into rutile-TiO2, and thus caused a marked increase in film’s overall sheet resistance by eight times. However, the phase (and the overall sheet resistance) of Ti0.92Al0.08N thin film remained as normal even after the identical annealing. Regarding the oxidization resistance, the Ti0.96Al0.04N (with reduced amount of Al) thin film is inferior to Ti0.92Al0.08N thin film, but outperforms TiN. These findings imply that doing a lightly amount of Al indeed can elevate the oxidization resistance of the nitride films. While the spectra of x-ray reflectivity between the samples of TiN and Ti0.92Al0.08N thin films differ significantly, the mechanism of strengthening oxidization by Al doping remains to be clarified.
2.1.2 TiN微結構、物理性質與應用………………………6
2.2 Al摻雜之TiN薄膜衍生之抗氧化薄膜應用…………………8
2.2.1 Al摻雜之TiN薄膜結構與特性……………………8
2.2.3 TiAlN擴散阻礙層在銅製程之應用…………………11
2.2.4 TiAlN抗電極氧化薄膜於DRAM之應用…………12
3.2.1 TiN及TiAlN薄膜氧化現象與分析………………24
3.2.2 TiN及TiAlN薄膜之抗氧化機制探討…………………25
圖 目 錄
圖1.1 DRAM之結構示意圖……………………………………………4
圖2.1 TiN平衡相圖…………………………………………………16
圖2.3 Al元素在TiAlN薄膜內之三種高溫擴散行………………18
圖2.5腐蝕電位(Ecorr)對應腐蝕電流(Icorr)之極化曲線分析圖 (a)剛沉積TiN薄膜(b)剛沉積TiAlN薄膜…………………………20
圖3.8在Si基材上沉積10 nm之Pt與30 nm之Ti薄膜之理論X光反射率曲線…………………………………………………37
圖4.3片電組相對變化量(rRs/Rs)對應氧氣氛退火溫度曲線( Rs = 剛沉積試片電阻、Rs = 退火前、後片電阻差)關係圖。(a)Si/SiO2/TiN、(b) Si/SiO2/ Ti0.96Al0.04N、(c) Si/SiO2/ Ti0.92Al0.08N……………………………………………………59
圖4.4 TiN薄膜在不同氧氣退火溫度之XRD繞射圖譜……………60
圖4.5 (a)TiN薄膜,經O2/550oC/30 min.氧氣環境熱處理後之Ti K-edge吸收光譜(17C光束線)、(b)文獻所示之TiO2 Ti K-edge吸收光譜。…………………………………………………………61
圖4.6 Ti0.92Al0.08N薄膜在不同氧氣退火溫度之XRD繞射圖譜………………………………………………………………62
圖4.7 氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之Si/SiO2/TiN試片SIMS縱深圖譜。(a)剛沉積、(b) 350oC、(c)450oC及(d)550oC…………………63
圖4.8 氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之Si/SiO2/ Ti0.96Al0.04N試片SIMS縱深圖譜。(a)剛沉積、(b) 350oC、(c)450oC及(d)550oC……………64
圖4.9 氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之Si/SiO2/ Ti0.92Al0.08N試片SIMS縱深圖譜。(a)剛沉積、(b) 350oC、(c)450oC及(d)550oC…………65
圖4.10氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之Si/SiO2/ TiN試片HR-XPS縱深圖譜。(a)剛沉積、(b) 425oC、(c) 450oC………………………66
圖4.11氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之Si/SiO2/ Ti0.96Al0.04N試片HR-XPS縱深圖譜。(a)剛沉積、(b) 450oC……………………………67
圖4.12氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之Si/SiO2/ Ti0.92Al0.08N試片HR-XPS縱深圖譜。(a)剛沉積、(b) 425oC、(c) 450oC………………68
圖4.13 Si/SiO2/ TiN與Si/SiO2/ Ti0.92Al0.08N試片經過450oC氧氣退火熱處理30 min.之反射率分析曲線。…………………………69

表 目 錄
表2.1 Al含量與結構關係……………………………………………21
表2.2 TiAlN應用於傳統熱機械硬膜、DRAM中之抗電極氧化薄膜、與本實驗室所研究之擴散阻礙層之比較………………21
表3.1 SCⅠ與SCⅡ成分及主要優缺點………………………………40
表4.2 450oC氧氣退火熱處理後之TiN、Ti0.96Al0.04N及Ti0.92Al0.08N薄膜表面原子百分比…………………………………71
表4.3 450oC氧氣退火熱處理後的TiN、Ti0.96Al0.04N及Ti0.92Al0.08N薄膜濺擊深度為75 sec之原子百分比………………71
表4.4 450oC氧氣退火熱處理後的TiN、Ti0.96Al0.04N及Ti0.92Al0.08N薄膜濺擊深度為130 sec之原子百分比……………71
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