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研究生(外文):Chia-Kai Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Entrance Control System Using Systems Emgineering and RFID Technology
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Horng KuanJiunn Fang
外文關鍵詞:RFIDEntrance Control SystemSystems Engineering
  • 被引用被引用:36
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems consist of Electric Tags, or transponders, and RF tag readers or transceivers. Auto-tags of the RFID system have the unique ID feature and are capable of carrying information, which adds the tags more capability of which could be read only or read/write. RFID systems are now being used by more and more organizations connected with management, tracing, and control. The deficiencies of the current entrance control system of an apartment or a high class community are that the remote control unit can be easily copied and the security guards may not pay full attention to their work. Therefore, the outside incomers can enter into the parking lot easily and cause a lot of problems. The purpose of this study was to develop a RFID system coupling with the current entrance system and to update the present capacity of the security system. The entrance can be opened automatically by using the new control system because each car having hung the Auto-tag inside the car itself will be checked carefully. The license information can be seen on the screen of the computer by Digital Video and by executing the new software developed in this study. While this study was carried out, there were some difficulties and problems to be met in either the limitation of the circumstance or the acquisition of the source of hardware because this case was the first pilot case in the architecture industry. For this reason, the development of this new control system added systems engineering procedure. Systems engineering procedure contains a life cycle that includes the needs, conceptual design, preliminary design, detail design, development, production, product use, phaseout, and disposal. Systems engineering procedure, when coupled with RFID technology, reveals optimal opportunities for bringing the new product into being that will be more cost-effective and more competitive in the industry. Blanchard and Fabrycky’s procedure was selected in this study. With the method of systems engineering, the requirement analysis, function analysis, allocation and system design were executed to proceed for the system framework. Furthermore, they effectively analyzed the interrelation between customers’ needs and product development, extracted the essentiality and possibility, then drafted the specification of the new control system to decide the product design. The synthesis of all required technologies includes the hardware integration of the system, the design of the middleware code, and the simulating of the operating of functions in user situation. All of the technologies and the systems engineering procedure mentioned above were hoped to accomplish this new entrance control system with success and practicality. The reliability test at the entrance of the garage in a house had been accomplished 2500 hours in the laboratory and 750 hours in a house. According to the data got from the test, the reliability of this system was evaluated high.
致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XII
第一章、 序論 1
1.1. 研究背景 2
1.1.1. 系統工程 2
1.1.2. RFID 3
1.2. 研究目的 5
第二章、 系統工程 7
2.1. 系統工程介紹 7
2.1.1. 系統工程定義: 7
2.1.2. 系統工程的特色 9
2.2. 生命週期 10
2.3. 概念設計 13
2.3.1. 需求確認 13
2.3.2. 先期系統規劃 13
2.3.3. 可行性分析 14
2.3.4. 系統需求分析 15
2.3.5. 維護概念 15
2.3.6. 技術性能基準(Technical Performance Measures , TPMs) 15
2.3.7. 功能分析與配置 15
2.3.8. 綜整 16
2.3.9. 系統規範 17
2.3.10. 概念設計審查 18
2.4. 初步設計 18
2.4.1. 次系統功能分析 18
2.4.2. 維護功能流程 18
2.4.3. 次系統功能配置 19
2.4.4. 需求配置 19
2.5. 細部設計 19
2.5.1. 元件取捨分析 20
2.5.2. 細部設計審查 20
2.5.3. 系統團隊 21
2.5.4. 文件化與輔助工具 21
2.5.5. 系統構型發展 23
2.6. 測試與評估 23
2.6.1. 測試與評估需求 23
2.6.2. 系統/元件測試種類 24
2.7. 可靠度 25
2.8. 維護度設計 26
第三章、 RFID 29
3.1. RFID運作架構 29
3.2. RFID運作原理 30
3.3. RFID工作頻率 32
第四章、 研究方法 34
4.1. 需求的建立 34
4.2. 功能分析與建立 34
4.3. 功能配置 35
4.4. 元件發展與整合 35
4.5. 軟體發展方方法 36
4.6. 整合測試 36
第五章、 應用案例 40
5.1. 系統建構 40
5.2. 元件規格與說明 61
5.2.1. 中介軟體 61
5.2.2. 驅動控制板說明: 68
5.2.3. 市售元件規格 69
5.3. 系統整合與測試評估 71
5.3.1. 試驗模型(Type2)測試 71
5.3.2. 原始構型(Type3)測試 72
5.4. 測試結果 74
5.5. 可靠度評估 76
第六章、 結論與未來展望 79
參考文獻 81
附錄一 研討會論文與專利申請 84
附錄二 軟體程式碼 85
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