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研究生(外文):I-shih Liang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Thin-Film Slip Flow Characteristics in Micro Gas Bearings
外文關鍵詞:temperature jumpthin-film flowvelocity slipslider bearing
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本研究以高轉速氣軸承中的超薄氣膜流體力學分析為目標,以二維平面滑動軸承(Planar Slider Bearing)模型,考慮氣膜流動為滑移流(Slip Flow),採用速度滑移(Velocity Slip)與溫度跳躍(Temperature Jump)邊界條件分析常物性(Constant-Property)與變物性(Variable-Property)氣膜流動特性。常物性流速與溫度解析解求出後,再代入Picard迭代 (Picard’s Iteration) 求變物性條件下之速度與溫度逼近解。本研究與以往文獻主要不同的地方為:(1)考慮微氣軸承高速旋轉下,黏性耗散(Viscous Dissipation)產生之溫升對熱流特性之影響;(2)考慮軸承潤滑薄膜兩流-固介面邊界之滑移條件不同,並藉由所得之逼近解對微氣軸承內薄膜滑移流動之特性進行分析。研究結果顯示溫度梯度造成物理性質改變以及兩邊界不同速度滑移與溫度跳躍之考慮均對微尺度氣膜流動特性有明顯的影響。
The purpose of the present study is to analyze the fluid dynamics of the extra thin-film flow in high rotational speed gas bearings. Two-dimensional slip flow in slider bearing model with boundary conditions of velocity slip and temperature jump is employed to analyze thermal fluid characteristics of constant- and variable property flows. The approximate velocity and temperature solutions at variable-property conditions are found by substituting the analytic solutions into Picard’s iteration formulas. The difference between the present and the previous works are the considerations of (1) the influences of temperature rise due to viscous dissipation on the thermal-fluid characteristics, and (2) the slip conditions at two solid-fluid interfaces of the thin-film flow in the bearing are different. With the approximate solutions, the thin-film slip flows in micro gas bearings are analyzed. The present results demonstrate the changes in physical properties due to the temperature gradient and the different conditions of velocity slip and temperature jump at two boundaries both have noticeable effects on the thermal-fluid dynamics of microscale gas film flows.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表錄 viii
符號說明 ix
第一章:序論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 本研究之目的 5
第二章:二維氣軸承薄膜流理論分析 7
2.1 物理模型 7
2.2 二維氣軸承薄膜流統御方程式 8
2.3 統御方程式之無因次化 9
2.4 量階分析 13
2.5 稀薄氣流邊界條件 21
第三章:常物性薄膜流場解 24
3.1 常物性流之速度分佈 24
3.2 常物性流之溫度分佈 26
第四章:變物性薄膜流場解 29
4.1 變物性之速度分佈 29
4.2 變物性流之溫度分佈 35
第五章:結果與討論 45
5.1常物性流速度與溫度解 45
5.2變物性流速度與溫度解 54
5.3變物性流流量分佈解 63
第六章:結論 67
參考文獻 68
附錄一、空氣物理性質經驗公式 72
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