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研究生(外文):Shao-wei Wang
論文名稱(外文):Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation for the Mixing Characteristics of Electroosmotic Flow in Double T-Shaped Microchannels with Heterogeneous Surface Charge
指導教授(外文):Po-Wen Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Electroosmotic Flow
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In this study, the influences of different injection mode and heterogeneous surface charge on mixing characteristic of electroosmotic flow in double T-shaped microchannel are investigated by using numerical simulation. The surface heterogeneity is adopted on sidewalls and/or top/bottom walls.
It is found that trans-injection (injection mode B) can increase the contact surface among fluids to improve mixing efficiency. Sidewalls with asymmetric heterogeneous surface charge, which can produce recirculation zone near the walls causing the increase of mixing path, can increase mixing efficiency about 15%. Top and bottom walls with diagonal heterogeneous surface charge can lead to the occurrence of spiral flows, which can increase the contacting area between different fluids, resulting promotion of mixing efficiency about 25%. Under trans-injection mode, when sidewalls with asymmetric heterogeneous surface charge and top/bottom walls with diagonal heterogeneous surface charge are adopted, the mixing efficiency can up to 95%. When the driving electric field strength is increased (100~800V/cm), its mixing efficiency can still be operated at 95~89%.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
符號說明 XI
第一章 前言與文獻回顧 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 3
第二章 理論模式與數值方法 8
2-1 理論模式 8
2-2 數值方法 13
2-3 邊界條件 16
第三章 結果與討論 20
3-1 不同注入方式對混合之影響 21
3-2 異質側壁對混合之影響 22
  3-2-1 A注入法 22
3-2-2 B注入法 24
3-3 異質上下壁面對混合之影響 25
3-3-1 A注入法 26
3-3-2 B注入法 27
3-4 耦合異質側壁及上下壁對混合之影響 29
3-4-1 A注入法 29
3-4-2 B注入法 30
3-5 電場驅動力對混合之影響 31
第四章 結論與未來展望 32
4-1 結論 32
4-2 未來展望 33
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