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研究生(外文):Hung-yi Lien
論文名稱(外文):Corporate Governance and Financial Decisions -A Case of the Taiwanese Electronics Industry
指導教授(外文):Yong-chang Wang
外文關鍵詞:corporate governanceinvestment policyfinancing decisiondividend policytwo-stage least squares method
  • 被引用被引用:10
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 Corporate governance has received considerable attention from enterprises and investors since the late 1990s. It not only has become an essential element in the operation of a corporation but also has exerted a substantial influence on the market value and operating performance. This study is conducted for the firms in the electronics industry listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange and over the counter exchange from 2002 to 2004 to investigate how corporate governance affects the investment policy, the financing decision and the dividend policy. This is one purpose of this study. Theoretically, the three financial decisions are interrelated and are simultaneously determined. Are they determined in this way in practice? This is the other purpose of this study. Hence, this study specifies two simultaneous equations models composed of three equations for the three financial decisions and estimated using two-stage least squares (2SLS) method. Model I takes the total asset growth rate as the proxy measure for the investment decision, Model II takes the fixed asset growth rate as the proxy measure, and Model III takes the book to market value as the proxy measure.
  It is found from the empirical results in Model I, as expected, proportion of share holding by the board members, proportion of share holding by large shareholders, and proportion of share holding by the management have a significantly negative effect on the investment decision (the total asset growth rate), number of the board members has a significantly negative effect on the financing decision (debt ratio), the CEO duality has a significant negative effect on the dividend policy (dividend payment ratio), while proportion of share holding by the board members, proportion of share holding by the management, and number of independent board members have a significantly positive on the dividend policy. The results from Model II and Model III are not satisfactory in the sense that the number of statistically significant governance variables reduces and some of their signs are not expected.
The empirical results from Model I indicate that the three financial decisions are interrelated. Interrelation is not so clear in the sense that the dividend policy has no influence on the financing decision and the financing decision has no influence on the investment decision in Model II and the dividend policy has no influence on the financing decision in Model III. It may be inappropriate to use the fixed asset growth rate and the book to market value as the proxy measures for the investment decision. Because it ignores the investment of such intangible assets as research and development and the acquisition of patents, the fixed asset growth rate cannot fully reflect the investing activities in a company. The book to market value cannot fully reflect the growth opportunities and investing activities in a company probably due to a deviation of prices from value.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的與方法 2
第三節 研究內容 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第三章 公司治理與財務決策理論 14
第一節 公司治理 14
第二節 財務決策理論 16
第三節 公司治理對財務決策的影響 21
第四章 實證結果與分析 24
第一節 兩階段最小平方法 24
第二節 實證結果與分析 25
第五章 結論 42
附錄 45
參考文獻 54

表 目 錄
表3-1 公司治理變數與財務決策關係表 23
表4-1 總資產成長率、負債比率及股利支付率為內生變數之聯立方程式(4-1式)估計值 33
表4-2 固定資產成長率、負債比率及股利支付率為內生變數之聯立方程式(4-2式)估計值 37
表4-3 市價對帳面價值比、負債比率及股利支付率為內生變數之聯立方程式(4-3式)估計值 41
附表4-1 變數符號及定義 45
附表4-2 各變數之敘述性統計 47
附表4-3 各變數間之相關係數表 48
附表4-4 總資產成長率、負債比率及股利支付率為內生變數之三階段最小平方法估計值 49
附表4-5 固定資產成長率、負債比率及股利支付率為內生變數之三階段最小平方法估計值 50
附表4-6 市價對帳面價值比、負債比率及股利支付率為內生變數之三階段最小平方法估計值 51
附表4-7 總資產成長率、負債比率及現金股利變動率為內生變數之聯立方程式估計值 52
附表4-8 固定資產成長率、負債比率及現金股利變動率為內生變數之聯立方程式估計值 53
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