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Gordon, International Business Transactions, West Publishing Co.(1995). 11.Richard Schaffer, Beverley Earle, Filiberto Agusti, International Business Law and Its Environment, International Thomson Publishing (5th ed. 2002). 12.Robert Justis and Richard Judd, Franchising, South-Western publishing Co. (1989). 13.Roger M. Milgrim, Milgrim on Licensing, LexisNexis (2002). 14.Root Franklin R, Entry Strategies for International Markets, Lexington Books (1994). 15.Yanos Gramatidis and Dennis Campbell, International Franchising: An In-Depth Treatment of Business and Legal Techniques, Kluwer law and Taxation Publishers (1997). 二、期刊(依名字用母順序排列) 1.Alexander S. Konigsberg, Practical Problems and Suggested Solutions Associated with International Franchising, 7-SPG Franchising L.J. 3 (1988). 2.Boyd Allan Byers, Making a Case for Federal Regulation of Franchise Terminations—A Return-of-Equity Approach, 19 Iowa J. Corp. L. 607 (1994). 3.Charles B. Hahn, Jr., Tying and Exclusive Dealing Agreements: Protection for Franchise Trademark Licensors, 45 Tul. L. Rev. 1016 (1971). 4.Charles E. Webster, The McDonald’s Case: South Africa Joins the Global Village, 86 Trademark Rep.576 (1996). 5.Charles S. Hale, Market Impact in The Information Age: Protecting Hotel Owners from Hotel Managemtn Companies, 108 W. Va L. Rev. 573, 2005. 6.David Gurnick, Intellectual Property in Franchising: A Survey of Today’s Domestic Issues, 20 Okla. City U.L. Rev. 347 (1995). 7.Edward S. Nagorsky, From Golden Arches to Donut Shops-Franchising is Exploding, And So Too Are Many of These Unique, Economic Relationship, 139-APR N.J. Law. 39 (1991). 8.Eileen R. Hurley, Pronuptia de Paris v. Schillgallis: Permissible Restraints of Trade on Franchising in the EEC, 8 NW. J. INT’L L. & BUS. 476 (1987). 9.Jan B. Heide, Shantanu Dutta and Mark Bergen, Exclusive Dealing and Business Efficiency: Evidence from Industry Practice, 41 J.L. & Econ. 387 (1998). 10.Jefferson I. Rust, Regulating Franchise Encroachment: An Analysis of Current And Proposed Legislative Solutions, 19 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 489 (1994). 11.Joseph H. King, Jr., Limiting the Vicarious Liability of Franchisor for the Torts of Their Franchises,62 Wash & Lee L. Rev. 417 (2005). 12.Kevin Parks, “Naked is not a Four-Letter Word: Debunking the Myth of the “Quality Control Requirement” in Trademark Licensing, 82 Trademark Rep. 531(1992). 13.Kurt Strasser, Big Macs And Radio Shacks: Antitrust Policy for Business Format Franchises, 27 Ariz. L. Rev. 341 (1985). 14.Lena Peters, The UNIDROIT Guide To Franchising, Or Unification of Law By Alternative Means, 27 Int’l J. Legal Info. 170 ( Summer, 1999). 15.Mark H. Miller, Unintentional Franchising, 36 St. Mary’s L. J. 301 (2005). 16.Matthew V. Topic, Student Note and Comment: A Strategy for Renewing Franchise Negotiations in Kosovo, 80 Chi.-Kent. L. 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Int’l L. & Bus. 185 (1985). 25.Warren Pengilley, International Franchising Arrangements and Problems in Their Negotiation, 7 Nw. J. Int’l L. & Bus. 185 (1985). 網站 1.Eur-Lex, the access to European Union Law http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/en/index.htm. 2.European Franchising Network http://www.europeanfranchising.com/. 3.International Franchise Association http://www.franchise.org/. 4.Japan Franchise Association http://jfa.jfa-fc.or.jp/about_jfa_English.html. 5.中國法院網 http://www.chinacourt.org. 6.中國連鎖經營協會網站http://www.ccfa.org.cn/index.jsp. 7.台灣連銷加盟促進協會網站http://www.franchise.org.tw/. 8.台灣連鎖暨加盟協會網站http://www.tcfa.org.tw/. 9.休閒小站網站http://www.qqkk.com.tw/easyway11.htm. 10.行政院公平交易委員會網站http://www.ftc.gov.tw/. 11.美體小舖網站http://www.thebodyshop.com.tw/. 12.經濟部智慧財產局網站http://www.tipo.gov.tw/. 網站資料 1.Andrew J. Sherman, Strategies For Leveraging Intellectual Property Through Licensing, Joint Ventures, Alliances and Franchising, 3, Netpreneur Distinguished Author Series, The Morino Institute, Reston, VA (June 5, 2001). Available at http://www.netpreneur.org/advisors/ip/images/Strategies_for_IP.pdf. 2.Chris Yoshiyuki Ono, Food Business and Franchising in Japan, April 2006. Available at http://www.buyusa.gov/japan/en/. 3.Commission notice of 13 October 2000: Guidelines on vertical restraints [COM(2000/C 291/01) - Official Journal C 291 of 13.10.2000 ], available at http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l26061.htm. 4.JETRO, Japanese Market Report-Regulations & Practices, No. 37, 14, March 2000. Available at http://www.jetro.go.jp/en/market/reports/jmr/. 5.Kenneth R. Costello and Brian H. Cole, International Franchising: Why Attorneys Need to Know The Laws in Other Countries, LJN’s Franchising Business Law Alert, NLP IP Company, 2001. 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