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研究生(外文):Tzu-Ting Kao
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Structural Changes in Taiwan Stock Index by Clustering Analysis
指導教授(外文):Kun-Huang Huarng
外文關鍵詞:K-meansstock indextransient structural changes
  • 被引用被引用:16
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資料探勘是近幾年來非常受歡迎的研究方法之一,其應用的範圍可以包含各個領域,而本篇研究所使用的方法即是資料探勘中的集群分析,藉由集群理論的概念將欲研究的大量資料進行分類,把相似度高的樣本至於同一集群 (Cluster)中,不同集群間具有高度的差異性,藉此有效將資料進行群聚。我們便以此概念將台灣加權股價指數作為我們的實證研究,來找出其結構性改變的地方。
The study of structural changes has become an interesting topic in time series study. This study applies clustering analysis to detect the structural changes in Taiwan Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX). We use the Statistica software to analysis the data. The stock index is first clustered into three groups by K-means algorithm. The most well-known and commonly used method of clustering is the K-means algorithm. Then the structural changes are recognized only when the index moves from the lowest clusters to the highest ones, and vice versa. The transient structural change means that the stock index moves between Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 or Cluster 2 and Cluster 3.
From 1990 to 2004, there were three structural changes and several transient structural changes in this time series. The obtained results give reason for thinking that they are very significant since they coincide with important facts and economic events. We find some important events during the structural change period. The K-means algorithm is good to find the structural changes.
第一章 序論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 結構改變 3
第二節 股價指數與總體經濟的關係 9
第三章 資料 15
第四章 研究方法 17
第一節 資料探勘 17
第二節 K-means 22
第三節 結構性改變定義 25
第五章 實證結果 28
第一節 結構改變 30
第二節 過渡性結構改變 34
第六章 結論 39

參考資料: 42
附錄一:統計結果 49
附錄二:英文摘要 51
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