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研究生(外文):Ssu-Hsiu Liao
論文名稱(外文):Exchange Algorithms on Searching A-Optimal One-way Layouts in the Presence of a Covariate
指導教授(外文):Win-Chin LinJungpin Wu
外文關鍵詞:exchange algorithmA-optimal designANCOVAconcomitant variablecovariate
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  When the completely randomized design in the presence of a covariate or a concomitant variable, ANCOVA can amend the influence of a covariate on treatment comparisons and reduce the experimental error variance. However, random assignment of the treatments cannot eliminate the influence of a covariate completely. Therefore, we consider allocating the assignment of treatments appropriately in the one-way design in the presence of a covariate in order to reduce the variation of the treatment groups due to a covariate, and minimize the variance of the treatment contrasts, in other words, confirming the average of the variance of treatment difference comparisons correspond to the A-optimal criterion. Hence, we attempt to use a neighbour exchange algorithm and a pair-wise exchange algorithm to search for A-optimal one-way layouts in the presence of a covariate.
  Twelve illustrations are used to test the efficiency of the neighbour exchange algorithm and the pair-wise exchange algorithm. The results reveal that after allocating the assignment of the treatments appropriately, the average of the variance of treatment difference comparisons has been reduced and the average of the A-efficiency in each illustration exceeds 99%.
第一章 緒論
1.1 資料分析
1.2 研究動機與架構
1.3 文獻回顧
第二章 以交換法搜尋A-最佳化的設計
2.1 相鄰交換法
2.2 成對交換法
第三章 交換法搜尋A-最佳化設計的結果
3.1 相鄰交換法的搜尋結果
3.2 成對交換法的搜尋結果
3.3 結果比較
3.4 討論
第四章 結論與未來研究方向
4.1 結論
4.2 未來研究方向
附錄A 相鄰交換法程式
附錄B 成對交換法程式
附錄C SAS程式
附錄D 十二個例子相關的統計量
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