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研究生(外文):Chih-Chun Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Play Activities and Environmental Cognition of Tao Children
指導教授(外文):Su-Hsin Li
外文關鍵詞:cognitive mapgenderPlaying behaviorplaying spacesocialization
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蘭嶼位於台灣的東南方太平洋上,保有自然原始的環境與獨特的島嶼海洋文化,本研究探討蘭嶼兒童遊戲行為的特性和對遊憩空間認知的關係。研究目的為探討達悟兒童包含(1) 其部落環境及遊戲空間的認知,是否反應島嶼自然空間以及文化的特質。(2) 其各部落環境發展的差異、政府環境開發與外來文化如何影響達悟族兒童的遊戲行為。(3) 是否受社會化環境因素的影響,如宗教、祭典、性別等,產生遊戲社會化情形。
Playing is of vital factor that affects the growth of children. Playing may offer children the opportunities of learning and interaction as well as the cultivation of creativity and the exploration of life instinct. Game activities help children to become better acquainted with their life environment and themselves. The elements of creating play environment including space, time, play-participants and activity are influencing children’s cognition of environmental space and activity contents varying with ethnic, culture, sex and age. The space designed by spatial designer is not assured of being fond of by children. Actually, children will find their own corner for playing by themselves. To understand children’s behavior interaction and exploration and cognition of a pleasing space is the major topic of today’s education in planning outdoor space for children through an analysis of children’s environmental psychology.

Orchid Island, situated in the Pacific Ocean on Taiwan’s southeast and preserving its naturally primitive environment and uniquely oceanic culture. This study is intended to explore the relationship between Orchid Island children’s behavior in playing and their cognition of recreational space under the objective of discussing that 1) whether island’s natural space and cultural characteristics are reflecting on the cognition of the Tao’s children on their tribal environment and play space; 2) how the evolution of their tribal environment, government’s development of environment and external culture are influencing the behavior of the Tao’s children in playing; and 3) whether social factors such as religion, sacrifice ceremony and sex have been gradually infiltrated into their game and made it towards socialization.

This study survey is undertaken by sampling 101 students from Orchid Island, Lang Island, Tung Ching and Yeh Yu four primary schools for analyzing the relationship between the interesting behavior of the Tao’s children in game playing and tribal environment. Further more to study the place the children feel fun and the meaning of these places by their playing experience in outdoor space. The children’s thoughts were understand through cognitive drawings for their playing space made by the Tao’s children, and inquiries about the drawing contents and an interview with their teachers were done to collect personal data and explanation of cognitive illustration. The findings are found that 1) children from different gender and schools have evolved very different playing and environmental cognition; 2) the playing space of the Tao’s children not only reflects the nature of oceanic island where offers beach, expansive space, taros field and special forest but also is regarded as children’s paradise through the playing behavior and interaction between their peers; 3) The import of external culture and the tribal development have gradually influenced the playing behavior of the Tao’s children and their growth towards socialization; and 4) children lay their strong cognitive or familiar locations on the center of the drawing and identify them by special mark. It appears that in application, there will be an impact on the designer’s planning method and a reconsideration of user’s need for facilitating improvement in future planning of playing space as well as even an extension study from the consideration of practical planning to political concern. It will virtually benefit the future planning of playing space for the Tao’s children as well as the transformation between the cognition of social and natural environments and environmental education that may help locals’ identification and positive attitude toward environmental protection.








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