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研究生(外文):Chen-Hsiao Ku
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Dual-band Balance Amplifier using Compact Branch-Line Coupler
指導教授(外文):Shry-Sann Liao
外文關鍵詞:miniature or compactBranch-Line CouplerDual-bandBalance Amplifier
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微型化雙頻枝幹耦合器設計後,經實作驗證獲得結果為:(900MHz)S11=-15.9dB、S21=-3.2dB、S31=-4.3dB、S41=-22.7dB;(2.4GHz)S11=-22.9dB、S21=-3.8dB、S31=-3.9dB、S41=-24.7dB。而平衡式放大器則刻意於放大器電路未實施匹配網路下,於輸入及輸出端使用前述之雙頻枝幹耦合器,經實作驗證獲得結果為:(900MHz)Gain=15.5dB、(2.4GHz)Gain=15dB ,獲致極佳的增益特性!
In communication industry, there has been a growing trend towards wideband and dual-band. The coupler device used in microwave circuit plays an important role in communication. The Hybrid Right/Left-Handed transmission line is of the first important in applications of traditional dual-band coupler. However, this architecture is more complex and expensive in implementation. Mixed microstrip line and lump elements, will produce the issue of dispersive effect in higher frequency, and it will never get rid of the problem of complexity and cost. Thus, this thesis applies planar microstrip line to design a dual-band branch-line coupler to achieve dual-band effect of 900MHz and 2.4GHz. Moreover, we make use of the balance amplifier between this two coupler to reach wideband, system backup, even that we get the purpose of dispensable match network. Utilizing miniaturized technology, it achieves the performance of traditional dual-band branch-line coupler. Besides, it reduced the area of traditional dual-band branch-line coupler up to 60%. Dual-band branch-line coupler was completed by printed circuit, it has the merit of single planar and one-time implementation. Additionally it doesn’t need jump-line and punctures, especially suitable for use in the integrated application of MIC and MMIC.
The miniature of dual-band branch-line coupler was designed, and we obtained the verified results as follows: (900MHz) S11=-15.9dB, S21=-3.2dB,S31=-4.3dB,S41=-22.7dB;(2.4GHz)S11=-22.9dB,S21=-3.8dB,S31=-3.9dB,S41=-24.7dB. The balanced amplifier was not tuned to match network sedulously and the afore dual-band branch-line coupler was used at input and output ports. We obtained the verified results as follows:(900MHz)Gain=15.5dB,(2.4GHz)Gain=15dB. It achieved good characteristics of gain.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法與步驟 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 微帶線基本理論 6
2.1 微帶線基本公式 6
2.2 視為電路元件的傳輸線 10
2.3 微帶線的不連續性 19
第三章 雙頻枝幹耦合器原理與設計 22
3.1傳統枝幹耦合器 23
3.2雙頻枝幹耦合器 30
第四章 雙頻枝幹耦合器微型化設計 41
4.1 微型化枝幹耦合器技術 41
4.2 微帶線不連續電路的補償 49
第五章 雙頻帶平衡式放大器架構及特性 52
5.1 寬頻放大器(Broadband Amplifier) 52
5.2 平衡式放大器(Balance Amplifier) 53
5.3 平衡式放大器主動電路設計 55
5.4 微型化枝幹耦合器之雙頻帶平衡式放大器總成 58
第六章 結論 62
參考文獻 63
作者簡介 67
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