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研究生(外文):Yu-Tsai Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Secure Electronic Ticket Scheme for ITS
指導教授(外文):Wei-Bin Lee
外文關鍵詞:Electronic TicketITSDigital SignatureElectronic Toll Collection
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2003年Matsuo與Ogata提出一套適用於ITS(Intelligent Transport System)上的ETC(Electronic Toll Collection)電子收費系統機制,其主要目的是解決過去的付款方法中因繁複的通訊步驟與冗長驗證時間所帶來的效率不佳的問題。
然而, 我們發現Matsuo與Ogata的方法因缺少了票券申請者對發行者認證的動作,導致票券申請者無法驗證所取得的票券因子是否有效,以致於票券申請者可能會面臨拿到偽造票券的風險。
The amount of vehicles has grown up rapidly in many countries in recent years. The capacity of freeways is very limited. Broadening driveways or building new roads haven’t effectively prevented the traffic from worsening. How to use advanced technology to make the efficiency of communications and transportation has become an important policy for many countries. Especially, how to use the Electronic Toll Collection, ETC to enhance the transportation efficiency on traffic has become an essential issue.
In 2003, Matsuo and Ogata proposed a scheme of ETC which was suitable for Intelligent Transport System, ITS. The purpose was to solve the inefficiency caused by complicated communication steps and long verification of payments in the past.
But, we found the security flaws in their scheme. That is the ticket user can not verify if the ticket seed is valid or not. It was occurred by this method without the authentication from user to issuer. It caused the risk of user to get the forge ticket seed.
Specially, at the period when refluxing the tickets, the ticket issuer do not have to verification identification on the shops, which causes attackers could to intercept the tickets, and acted be the legal shops to get the money successfully.
Therefore, in this paper we point out the risk to be attack on Matsuo and Ogata’s method, and we also proposed how an improvement method. We not only to keep the original advantages of Matsuo and Ogata’s method but also avoid those two security concerns we brought up to strengthen and improve the security of the use of electronic ticket on ITS.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2電子票券的回顧 3
1.3目的 4
1.4論文架構 5
第二章 Matsuo與Ogata的電子票券方法 6
2.1符號定義 7
2.2票券發行階段 7
2.3票券處理階段 8
2.4票券回收階段 9
第三章Matsuo and Ogata方法的安全分析 11
3.1票券發行階段的安全分析 11
3.2票券回收階段的安全分析 12
第四章 我們的改進方法 14
4.1對發行階段安全的改進 14
4.2對回收階段安全的改進 15
第五章 安全性分析 17
5.1對發行階段的安全分析 17
5.2對回收階段的安全分析 18
第六章 結論 19
參考文獻 20
致謝 22
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