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研究生(外文):Chien-Chung Chu
論文名稱(外文):An Electronic Traveler''s Check System Based on the Self-Signed Signature Key
指導教授(外文):Wei-Bin Lee
外文關鍵詞:Electronic PaymentElectronic CheckElectronic Traveler''s CheckElectronic Cash
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In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet, Electronic Commerce has become more and more popular. Many companies and customers deal with their business transactions through Internet. Therefore, a secure and efficient electronic payment system is very important. Nowadays, many electronic payment systems such as Electronic Cash (EC) and Electronic Check systems have been applied to electronic environment. Although EC has the properties of convenience, transferability and anonymity as traditional cash, the EC holder has to take the responsibility of losing EC. On the other hand, the Electronic Check must include the payer’s endorsement and the payee’s digital signature to become effective, and it can protect the check holder’s right when losing the Electronic Check by the function of reporting loss and stop payment. Electronic Traveler’s Check (ETC), combining the advantages of both EC and Electronic Check systems, is also safe and convenient for users to use.
In this thesis, a concept of Self-Signed Signature key is introduced and used to design a new ETC system. Self-Signed Signature key means that the secret key can only be used to sign the parameters which are used to generate this secret key. For this reason, the origin of the secret key determines the information this secret key can sign and vice versa. With this property, the ETC system meets the basic requirements such as no forgery, no double spending, specific user, reissuing, and anonymity of ETC system with fewer communication steps and lower storage cost. In addition, our system can simulate the mode of checkbook in real life environment. This is convenient for the user to combine the payment amount from different ETCs with different face value. This is more acceptable for the customer and the merchant.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Motivation
1.2 Security requirements of Electronic Traveler’s Check
1.2.1 No Forgery
1.2.2 No Double Spending
1.2.3 Specific User
1.2.4 Reissuing
1.2.5 Anonymity
1.3 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2. Review of related works
2.1 Comments of Hsien’s system
2.2 Comments of Liaw’s system
2.3 Comments of Tsao’s system
Chapter 3. Proposed method
3.1 Withdraw protocol
3.2 Payment protocol
3.3 Deposit protocol
Chapter 4. Security analysis
4.1 No Forgery
4.2 No Double Spending
4.3 Specific User
4.4 Reissuing
4.5 Anonymity
Chapter 5. Discussions
5.1 Advantages of using the “self-signed signature key”
5.2 Data Maintaining
5.3 Combined Face Value of the Checks
5.4 Efficiency Analysis
5.5 Smart card functions
Chapter 6. Conclusions
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