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研究生(外文):Xue-Hui Yan
論文名稱(外文):The Design of An Interactive Scenario-Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Supporting Mobile Computing Environment
指導教授(外文):Jim-Min Lin
外文關鍵詞:Interactive ScenarioAgent ArchitectureEldercare System
  • 被引用被引用:2
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With the development of software agents, software agent technology has been applied in many different applications. For example, we can find many applications of software agent technology in e-commerce and network management. Because agents have its internal states and behaviors, agents can autonomously help user to complete tasks. This is why software agent can become a weightily information technology. Therefore, the most important challenge is the mechanism for controlling agent behaviors during system development phase.
Generally speaking, there are two different mechanisms to control agent behaviors, that is, internal states and scenario mechanisms. In the aspect of reach which about scenario mechanism, someone has proposed an interactive scenario mechanism which control the interactive behaviors between agents and humans and it has been successfully applied in network marketing. With these researches, we can find that software programmers have to design extra software components for supporting interactive scenario mechanism. Interactive scenario mechanism will not work correctly, if software programmers ignore the design of these software components. However, we cannot find any methodology to identify these necessary software components in the past researches.
Consequently, the purpose of this research is to propose an interactive scenario-based multi-agent architecture for software programmers a referenced architecture. Besides, because this research considers that the topic of eldercare has become more popular, this research will develop an eldercare interactive agent system based on the architecture proposed by this research as a demonstrative system.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究概述 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 軟體代理人之介紹 4
2.1.1 軟體代理人的定義 4
2.1.2軟體代理人的特性與能力 5
2.1.3代理人行為的控制機制 7
2.2 劇本機制 8
2.2.1 Q-Language 8
2.2.2 互動式劇本 12 劇本檔案的分層 12 劇本檔案的內容與格式 14 劇本檔案之執行範例 16
2.3 AUML 17
2.4 老人關懷系統現況 19
2.4.1老年人口的生活需求 19
2.4.2老人關懷系統的發展現況 20
第三章 以互動式劇本為基礎的多代理人架構之設計與模型 22
3.1 代理人架構之目的 22
3.2 代理人架構之設計議題 23
3.3 代理人架構之模型 24
3.3.1 劇本產生階段 29
3.3.2 代理人執行階段 31 代理人執行階段的系統功能 32 代理人執行階段的組成元件 33 代理人執行階段的代理人角色 34 代理人執行階段的運作流程 36
3.4 與前人研究之比較 37
第四章 老人關懷範例系統之實作 40
4.1系統的設計考量 40
4.2 EIAS系統架構 42
4.3代理人間的通訊協定 48
4.4老人關懷互動式代理人系統之實作 52
4.4.1 系統實作之相關技術與工具 52
4.4.2 EIAS系統功能 53
4.4.3 EIAS系統執行畫面 54
第五章 結論與未來研究 61
參考文獻 62
致謝 64
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